Chapter 12

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((Sorry this took so long! and Happy Halloween!! Are y'all dressing up? If so as what!? :) ))

~~~~~Dark's POV~~~~~

I take control slowly, easily. Soon the fingers moving on my command, and all traces of Mark gone, but not quite. He always remained in my mind, though the confusion of this seemed to keep him quiet, for now at least.

As I finally blink a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the new body I let them wander over the man who sat still straddling Mark's lap... my lap.

I study him, the green hair, those mischievous eyes, it would be impossible to not recognize him...

"Hey there Darky.... Been a while."

His accented voice comes out a purr, and I can't stop a growl as it rises up my chest. With no hesitance I shove him off, standing from the seat and stretching out the sore muscles. It always was uncomfortable taking over a new body. Yet, it had to be done.

Looking over again Anti had stood up, that smile never once faltering from his paled face. How obnoxious....

"Not even a hello?"

I say nothing, letting my crimson eyes show the annoyance I truly felt. He huffs, crossing his arms over his small chest.

"What do you think you're doing, Septiceye...."

I lower my voice to a growl, watching as his eyes flood with anger.

"My job... and I told you... it's Anti...."

He matches my tone, though the accent making it much less sinister. His smile had finally dropped, and I feel my own mouth twitch up into an almost smile.

"It looks like you're trying to kill the poor thing..."

My eyes scan over the frail body before me. Though it was Anti in control that didn't stop me from noticing how worn his human was. I'm sure the human was losing his mind by now. Which would explain the asylum.

"So what if I am? It's none of your business Dark..."

His small voice grows in animosity, mouth curved into a snarl, making him look rather rabid.

"You know very well that's not our goal, Septiceye... We can't have another incident...."

I watch his hands clench at his sides, knuckles whitening at the force. His spine straightens standing about eye to eye with me now, but I simply continue to study him boredly. Keeping my expression stoic as always.

"There won't be another incident.... I know what I'm doing.... And I don't need some pretentious douche to critique my methods...."

I feel my eyebrow instinctively raise, almost feeling a smile twitch onto my mouth. Such anger in such a small being... it was almost funny, if it weren't so pathetic.

"Fine fine... but don't come crying to me when you fail.... Again..."

That was his breaking point, his teeth sharpen and his green eye glows menacingly, though it doesn't faze me. What does surprise me however is when I feel his fist meet my jaw, jerking my head to the side, though I hardly feel it.

Moving my jaw back and forth I look back to him, his glowing eye boring into me with such fury. This time I let the smile grow onto my face, watching his teeth grind at that small notion.

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