Chapter 11

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(( Guys guys guys!!! I just ordered a cosplay!! :D I'm so excited! any how sorry that has nothing to do with this story but i'm super excited... ON TO THE STORY NOW!! :D))

~"Okay... What are you?"

My voice cracks at that question, and I silently cuss at my fear. His crimson eyes roam over me, almost a curiosity shining within them, finally they rest on my own eyes, and I resist the urge to look away.

"What I am is not important..."

His deep voice echoes. My mind races, and before he can open his mouth again the question escapes me.

"Are you like Anti?"

His eyes narrow at the question, and I impulsively shrink back.

"You've met him."

It comes out matter-of-factly rather than as a question. Though after he continuously glares at me, seeming to expect an answer, I timidly bob my head in a 'yes'.

Dark cusses under his breath, eyes moving away from me. I release a breath being released from his heavy gaze. The man, or whatever he is, sighs seeming to think to himself for a minute or so before finally looking to me again.

Thankfully the anger that had been in his eyes had faded, leaving them the emotionless blood red orbs.

"We'll talk soon... and trust me... we have a lot to talk about, Mark..."

I open my mouth to argue, to ask more questions but before I can he disappears, no warning, nothing. Soon everything else around me fades.~

Jumping awake my breaths come in short spurts, chest aching with each one. I reach up to brush the hair away from my sweat soaked forehead and let my eyes wander quickly, half expecting that man to be near.

Once I recognize my surroundings, and the fact I'm alone, I let myself relax. Focusing to calm my breaths.

I stand on shaky legs, letting my surely wide brown eyes move to the alarm clock on the bedside table.

"8 am...."

I mumble, throat scratchy.

"I'm late..."

~~~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~~

"Where the fuck is he..."

I mutter to the empty room. My eyes scanning the familiar office. I'd been brought here, after questioning about how I escaped the strait jacket, yet Mark had yet to arrive.

With a huff I sit back in the chair, struggling slightly against the, now even tighter, strait jacket. Anti however kept silent, and I'm not sure whether or not to be happy or worried. He was never silent unless planning something.

And when Anti began planning, that was when everyone should worry.

I huff again letting my eyes move to the clock, already half of my time had been wasted. If he didn't show up I swear....

Aw, is someone missing Markimoo?

"Shut up..."

I hiss out as the demon in my head finally speaks up.

Why don't you make me, Sean? Or are you too afraid?

"I'm not afraid of you..."

I growl, though my voice falters. I can almost see his grin.

Oh really?

I open my mouth to respond, however my lips go numb, soon followed by my head, arms, legs.

Well then...

I slowly lose control, despite how much I fight it, and feel my body slowly stand from the couch.

Let me show you how scary I can be....

~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~

I push through the doors with hurry, simply greeting Amy with a small nod, though she smiled at me with that usual flirtiness. I speed-walk through the twisting halls, letting memory lead me before pushing into the office with a huff.

Hardly glancing at the green haired man who stood, eyes directed out the window, I sit in my usual leather chair, pushing the glasses up my face, and running my hand through my uncombed black hair. With a small relieved breath I clear my throat, pushing all other thoughts away for now and finally looking to the man who stood across the room.

"Sorry I'm late Jack.... Rough morning..."

I mutter simply. His head turns slightly at my voice and he steps away from the window, keeping his head down as he walked and sat across from me. Faded green hair covering his eyes. I feel my head instinctively tilt in silent question.


His body tenses slightly, and I watch as a Cheshire grin curls onto his pale face, paler than usual. I don't fully notice until he looks up, those eyes hitting me with the realization that this wasn't Sean.

"Not quite..."

His voice comes out a purr, those mismatched eyes studying me, amusement dancing in his pupils.


I speak softly, focusing on keeping my voice from shaking. The remembrance of my dream hits me, and I resist the urge to ask him about this 'Dark' person....

"At your service... Look Marky... we need to talk."

He stands from the couch, and for a moment I contemplate doing the same, hating how small I seemed compared to him in this moment.


I keep my voice cool, despite the pounding that began in my chest as his eyes darkened, stepping forward and around the table.

"About you..."

His voice lowers, almost sounding like a snarl now. I open my mouth to respond but am cut off as he plops down on my lap, straddling my legs with his own, pinning me to the chair. I narrow my eyes, struggling to form words as his mismatched eyes scan me, his hand gripping my shoulder with urgency.

A larger smile curls onto his face at my lack of words and he leans forward, voice becoming merely a whisper.

"About Dark...."

That's when I regain my senses, clearing my throat and resisting the urge to shove him off. Afraid to anger him in all honesty.


This time my voice cracks, and my plan to fake stupidity flies out the window. His Cheshire-like grin merely grows, teeth almost looking sharp in the light. He makes a small humming noise, which I assume is meant as a yes.

"Dark w-who?"

His mouth moves but this time I hear no words as my head begins pounding. Starting as a small ache, and escalating to an unbearable hammering. I let a groan escape me, feeling Anti's hand tighten around my shoulder, nails digging into my skin and threatening to draw blood.

Though I hardly feel that pain, the echoing around my head interrupted only as red begins to flood my vision. And I felt my body slowly go numb.

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