Chapter 8

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((I'm back. And new POV :D probably only for this chapter though ))

~~~~~Signe's POV~~~~~

What am I doing here? Why did I talk myself into this? I sigh, tapping my fingers against the table in rapid repetition, stomach twisting at every slight noise.

I'm not sure why I'm here... but I have to be... Something was very wrong that day... Of course I knew Sean had problems... I've known that for a long while... But something about the way he spoke that final word. That final 'sorry'... That wasn't the same man who had tried to hurt me... That was Sean... The one I fell in love with...

The door in front of me opens and I feel my breath hitch as Sean is led inside.

Arms pinned across him by a strait jacket and his faded green hair a filthy mess. His blue eyes bore into me, shining with curiosity, anger, worry, happiness, and guilt all at once.

An orderly sits him down and walks over to me.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything..."

He murmurs softly. I give a gentle nod. I'd been told many times to not do this, many people told me it was a bad idea, but I ignored them. Whether or not I regret this decision has yet to be decided.

"Se- Jack..."

I correct myself midsentence, careful to not test his patience. He may be restrained yet I still felt fear tug at my gut as his blue eyes wandered over me. Yet not with that rage that shone in them a couple days ago.

"You're the last person I'd expect to see..."

He murmurs softly, leaning back in his chair quietly, adjusting slightly in the restraints to try and get comfortable.

"I know... I just... I needed to talk to you..."

His eyebrow raises in silent question, face stoic if not for the emotions battling in his eyes. I lower my eyes, instinctively tugging at the bottom of my sweater. His eyes never leave me.

"Tell me what's going on..."

That question I can tell sparks his curiosity again and he leans forward slightly, I resist the urge to lean away.

"What do you mean?"

He speaks quietly, voice remaining a soft mumble.

"When you were at my house... That didn't seem like you... you tried to hurt me..."

I manage to keep my voice calm as I speak, the memory clear in my mind. His eyes shine with more guilt as I continue.

"B-But... when the cops came.... Y-You said sorry... That sounded like you.... Like the you I knew..."

The you I feel in love with...

I add silently in my head.

He stops, eyes continuing to wander over my face, eyes shining with an unrecognizable emotion before that fades, leaving his face stoic, cold, almost terrifying. His eyes finally leave me, and I feel myself relax slightly. Silence spreads across the room and I lean across the table despite my instincts telling me not to.

"Tell me what's going on, Sean..."

I see him tense at the use of his real name and he keeps his eyes down.


For a moment I think he's going to tell me.

"I can't tell you...."

As he speaks through clenched teeth I feel disappointment which I'm sure shone clearly in my eyes.

"Please.... I want to help you."

I see him tense again as I raise my voice slightly. I see his teeth grind against one another, but don't stop.

"Sean plea-"

"I said I can't tell you!"

His eyes move upward furiously and I instinctively freeze, feeling my face pale at his outburst. I see a slight guilt shine in his eyes again, though he hides it, soon lowering his eyes once more.

"I'm sorry...."

I mutter quietly, standing and walking out without another word, feeling his eyes on me up until the door closed.

~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~

The headache continued long after I'd stopped hearing that laughter ring through my head. My skull pounding, threatening to crack with the pressure. I sat against my bed, hands clutching my head tightly as it pounded.

I bit my tongue, soon tasting blood, as to not scream or cry out. My hands pulled through my hair, tugging a few strands from my head though that pain was nothing compared to everything else

This lasts for what felt like an eternity before the throbbing recedes and I finally release my head dropping my hands to my sides. Biting back tears I stand, using the bed as support as my legs fee like jelly beneath me.

I walk to the bathroom at a slow pace, gripping the white sink tightly and taking a few shaky breaths finally lifting my eyes up to the mirror.

I look exhausted, sweat coating my face thickly, and my raven colored hair sticking to it. I push that away from my forehead and finally look to my eyes.

Dark bags beneath them and bloodshot.

Upon closer inspection however I notice my irises, not their usual chocolate brown, but almost a red leaking into them, a sickening crimson color that I recognized instantly and I feel my breath hitch as once again that chuckle taunts me.

I need to get help...

~~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~

Why did I just let her walk out...? She could have helped me, but I pushed her away more... What the fuck is wrong with me.

What isn't wrong with you...?

Ever since I'd returned to my room Anti had grown even more insufferable, his voice hardly giving me a moment of silence. His taunts driving me to madness.

Not that he was wrong... There is a lot wrong with me... but it's all his fault... all of this... everything I've done... it's all his fault...

I huff, sitting against the wall again, adjusting in the jacket that cramped my arms into unnatural positions. I wish they would take it off... Even for just a moment. But lord knows that isn't going to happen.

I could get you out of it Sean... It'll only take me a second...

I feel him gently nudge against my skull, as though asking for permission to take over. I shake my head slightly, though the ache in my arms says otherwise.

Just as I considered his idea my door opens with a loud creak and one of my usual orderlies walks in, burly and tall as always. His words however spark a curiosity in both me and Anti as I could tell.

"Doctors here for you..."

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