Chapter 35

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~~~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~~~

As my eyes fluttered open I could tell a few hours had gone by. The sun began peeking through the curtains, the orange of sunrise coating the drapes in an auburn light.

Sitting up I let my hands wander to my face, wiping the sleep from my eyes, and letting the world come into focus around me.

For once I felt like I'd gotten decent sleep. I can't remember the last time that happened. No dreams, no demon, just the peaceful darkness of my exhaustion to lull me to sleep. My body aches as I sit up, legs wobble as I stand, silence encasing the room almost pleasantly.

It takes a moment, but I finally realize what seems to be missing.


I call out the name softly, despite knowing he wouldn't be able to hear the hardly audible word.

My eyes wander across the room once more, almost expecting him to lie sprawled out on the bed again, but he's not there, the bed cold without his warmth there.

I let my tired legs carry me out the door, hand dragging across the wooden doorframe as I stumble by, a clear hesitance to each step. I make it to the living room, weary eyes looking around, half expecting to see that mangled body lying in the corridor once again, thankfully there's nothing but a memory to haunt me.

Shuffling in the kitchen catches my attention. I take a moment, before walking forward on silent feet, careful to not make a sound. Memories of crimson flash over my eyes as I make it to the doorway, familiar raven colored hair shuffling through the cupboards quietly. I let my eyes wander away from him for a moment, landing on the wooden block sitting on the counter. Each knife accounted for, neatly organized by size.

I feel my fingers twitch at the sight, remembrance of the cold handle between my fingers from the night prior resting just at the back of my mind.

Forcing my eyes to pull away I hesitate again, hand clutching onto the doorframe as I venture to speak up again, simply praying not to be met with the demon again.


His body tenses, as though startled. I let my muscles relax as I'm met with pleasantly colored, brown eyes. He gives a pathetic attempt at a smile, giving up on whatever he had been searching for.

"Hey, Se- Jack..."

He gives a sheepish grin. Purposefully I ignore his correction, and feel my feet shuffle beneath me.

"Can we talk?"

His voice grows almost sorrowful, a certain kind of reluctance present. I give a small nod.

"Yah... We need to..."

He nods, sitting at a stool at his counter, and gesturing with his head to the one next to him. I shuffle over, plopping into the seat, and letting the thickness of the room surround me. I feel my hands begin to fidget in my lap.

"Before we talk..."

I let the words leave me softly, teeth catching the inside of my cheek nervously.

"Is he-...."

I trail off, eyes moving to his face for a moment, as though to scan through his chocolate colored eyes. Mark takes a moment, as though searching for that presence himself before shaking his head, letting me relax just a bit more. Dark must still be MIA.

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