Chapter 10

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((Hey guys... sorry this took so long, it's just been a long pretty crappy week. But things are getting better, so i'll try to be more frequent with my updates :) ))

~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~

The rest of that day past in a blur, I hardly listened to any of my other patients, lost in my own confusing thoughts. When the day finally ended I had never been so happy to leave.

The closed in walls of the building only managed to make me feel trapped, like I couldn't escape despite the doors not far from my office. A part of me began to fear this place, if I was going crazy I don't' want to be here... This place wouldn't help...

I'm beginning to sound like Sean....

I can't help but smile slightly at the thought.

The drive home was silent, I didn't even bother turning on the radio, a fuzz echoing through my mind. Over and over I waited to hear that laughter again, to hear anything... but there was only silence, and I hate it.

Arriving home, even Chica doesn't get up to greet me, everything was just thrust into a depressing silence. Letting the silence consume me I walk up the stairs, tossing my jacket to the side carelessly and plopping down on the bed, letting my eyes stare at the carpet until things began to swirl in front of my tired eyes.

With a sigh I lay back, eyes wandering over every bump in the ceiling, until they began to droop. I blink a few times, trying to stay awake, but I'm pulled down until an uncomfortable darkness surrounds me.

~Once my eyes open again I'm back in the forest, but instead of running I lay there, something telling me to stay put. I push off of the cold, hard ground, wiping the dirt from my jeans with a silent annoyance.

My eyes wander, the trees standing menacingly above me and throwing shadows all around me, making me feel like I wasn't truly alone... At least that's what I thought until I felt that same presence behind me, evil, cold, and terrifying. My mind tells me to run, but my feet stay planted.

With clear hesitance I turn around, feeling my face pale at who, or better yet, what I come face to face with.

He looks like me... but he doesn't.... His hair was combed neatly across, a couple strands falling messily over his skin which was paled, almost looking gray in the light. His eyes bore into me, that disgusting, taunting crimson I remembered oh so well. Dark bags rested under those eyes, making him look almost tired, though that didn't make it any less terrifying. He wore a simple black suit, neat, clean cut, almost seeming to glitch where he stood.

I take an instinctive step back.

I watch the corners of his lips twitch, as though a smile dared break his stone cold indifference. Whether or not it was truly there, I can't tell.

I let my eyes scan over him one last time, he simply did the same, a long silence stretching out. Finally I gulp, forcing my mouth to move despite the fear that twisted at me.

"Who are you...?"

I manage to keep my voice from shaking. The man steps forward, I match it backwards. He releases a small sigh at my fear and puts his hands behind his back, standing even taller if it were possible. He looked so clean cut, so formal, so... terrifying... Why am I scared of him? He looks just like me...

Maybe it's the aura that surrounds him, it sent fear rattling through you, and in all honesty instincts told you to flee as fast as you can.

His red eyes scan over my face, as though cherishing every bit of fear that I know etched into it.

"I go by many names...."

That voice... It was deeper than mine, emotionless, strong, almost echoing around me. That voice itself made me freeze where I stood...

"But you can call me... Dark..."~

~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~

I'm still not sure why I walked out like that.... Honestly Mark didn't say anything wrong... I put words into his mouth... And now I may never know what's wrong with him...

I huff sitting back against my wall, eyes occasionally darting to the strait jacket that lie bunched up in a nearby corner.

I had finally given in to Anti... let him take control to remove the thing. Honestly I thought he'd do something more... hurt someone, or me... but all he did was take it off skillfully and let me take control once more.

I'm thankful for the granted movement, but of course I wouldn't admit that to him. He continued to blabber on and on about how powerful we could be. Even I have to admit he made some good points, and it was always less painful to just stop fighting him... Yet I continue, whether just out of spite or actually trying to do something good, I don't know.

But even I had to admit, having this demon, or whatever he was, in me had its benefits. Almost all of my wounds healed rather quickly, he felt most of my pain so my knuckles had not even a scar, despite only being injured a couple days ago. I'm still not sure what his motives are, except to drive me to suicide or allow him to take control. I still don't even know what he is...

Allowing my thoughts to wander from Anti, knowing full well he could hear every one of them, I couldn't help as they roam to the doctor... Why was he acting so strangely, he looked worn, the bags under his eyes couldn't have been any darker... and his eyes.... That normal, kind brown was faded, almost mad.

He looked like.... Like me... When I first began getting the nightmares.... When I first began to suffer from this demon.... So what if....?

I feel my eyes widen, a realization hitting me, which is only confirmed as the demon chuckles darkly in my mind.

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