Chapter 27

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I feel my feet move backwards on instinct, stumbling and threatening to send me to the ground at the slightest misstep. My eyes never leave his face, watching emotions contort it into almost a grimace, different emotions continue to fight for dominance in those crimson irises as they finally meet mine. His lips curled back into almost a sneer, hand moving to run through his raven hair as he slowly straightens.

Those eyes scan over my face for a moment.


The word leaves him a strained whisper strangely weak despite the anger I saw clawing its way through him. This has to be the most vulnerable I've seen him, it's disconcerting. I half-expected tears to begin down his face, instead he straightens up, using every bit of height as to intimidate me, which of course isn't hard.

"Why him?"

The words still sound pained, yet almost an animalistic snarl as the question escapes past his lips.

"What does he have that I don't?"

His voice raises. Eyes scan my face as though expecting an answer. I take a moment, letting a gulp pass through my tautened throat, lips dry, and face surely paled past ghostly at this point. I feel my mouth open and close, words however remain lodged in my esophagus, refusing to leave my dry mouth.

His hand slamming down on the granite of the counter zips my lips shut once more, any words I'd hoped to speak forgotten. A crack sounds at the contact, I don't know if it's the counter or his hand, either way he doesn't notice, or simply chooses to not care, rage slowly taking over the other upsetting emotions in those red eyes.

"I can give you anything!!!"

I swear I can feel the walls shake around me as he roars, the words stopping me cold in my tracks. He still managed to sound so sad, so distraught despite the distinct anger in his loud voice. All my instincts shout at me to run, every nerve ending in my body screams with fear, yet even as he slowly paces around the counter, I can't move. His steps are quiet, precise, cold and calculated despite the anger that showed in every other movement, from the twitch of his fingers, to the dancing color of his eyes. His form flickers, and for a moment I almost want to believe this is all a dream, pray none of this is real... Hope I was merely still in my small cell at the institution, just another fever dream-

"What can he do for you!?"

With that one shout all my hope flees. Watching him pace closer, I still can't move. I reach out, silently feeling for the demon in my head. Nothing... Where is he when I need him? He can control Dark, right? I just need him to pay attention. I silently call out for him.


The silence I'd always longed for now seemed to taunt me with promises of suffering. It resonated, the silence I'd once found so comforting, now guaranteed my demise.

Giving up on my own demon I instead let my eyes wander through those mazes of crimson in his eyes, past all the emotion flailing within them, hoping, nearly praying for any speck of brown, anything to indicate Mark could still take control... That he could still help me.

I find nothing but cold hard rage in those eyes, I almost wish he'd resort back to that broken shell of a demon I'd seen at first, it surrounded me with dread, yet I'd prefer that over fearing for my life.

"I can protect you, Sean..."

Only now do I realize how close he's gotten, only a few steps away from my quaking form. My feet manage to take a single step back again, but it's too late.

I feel his strong hand grip onto my bicep, gently at first, but slowly gaining more intensity.

"I can give you what Mark can't..."

His voice is no longer a loud bellow, instead soft, gentle, bordering on soothing, the change so drastic it takes me a moment to process. As much as I want to, I don't buy it, between the bloody rage in his eyes, the way his hair was no longer combed back neatly, giving him a business like appearance, but a mess atop his head, falling gently, threateningly over his almost grayed skin, the way his nails dug into my arms. It's clear he's more than pissed.

Hand grips even tighter to my bicep as though he fears I'll escape somehow, I feel an almost gasp leave me, it feels as though the bone will snap. Fear rockets through me, hands shake, breathing becomes difficult, and I swear my heart will beat from my chest.

"You belong to me... Not Mark..."

The words lose any of their care, coming out cold, deliberate, silently daring me to talk back. I let a rather pathetic whimper escape me, giving a quick, gentle nod once I notice he expects an answer.


He hisses the word out expecting a real answer, tightening his grip just a bit more so I had to wriggle in his grip or let the bone snap. I let my lips open and close a few times, words still refusing to come to me. But as I felt the bone in my arm practically crack, I let the word escape me in a choked half-sob.


He takes a moment, eyes searching my face as though to uncover any signs of defiance, any signs of a lie. Though my 'yes' was a lie, merely a forced answer to keep my life, my fear must've covered that, seemingly satisfied he finally releases my arm.

Another small gasp escapes me as the pressure lets up, a stinging still remained deep in both the muscle and bone of my arm. I'm afraid to look down at it, the skin surely black and blue at this point. Any relief is short lived as his eyes move to mine again, and I resist the urge to look away, unsure if that would be considered disrespectful to him, frankly afraid it would anger him. So I force myself to meet his intimidating gaze, despite feeling tears begin to blur my vision.

"I don't want to have this talk with you again, Sean... Next time... I won't be so nice...."

He takes another moment, as though memorizing the fear on my face before he turns walking down the hall. I don't dare follow, I don't dare move, his words continuing to echo through my head with the same harshness.

You belong to me...
 Next time I won't be so nice...

The way he spoke, that means he expects there to be a next time. If this is his version of nice... I don't want to see that next time. I feel a single tear escape from below my eye lid as I blink, then another, until they rolled down my face in silent agony.

What the fuck am I going to do...?

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