Chapter 24

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((Getting some backstory here :D If it doesn't make sense now I swear it will later ;) ))

Anti's warnings echo through my head once I see him. Of course he hasn't done anything to hurt me, hell he's helped me a couple times. But... Something about the way my own demon spoke about him, it terrified me.

He must notice my hesitance as his smile falters. Anti stays silent within my head, yet I still feel his presence, lurking, watching almost curious it seemed. I force a small smile, trying my best to keep a calm stature.


I manage the word, though it shook I almost sound normal, like everything is fine. He either doesn't pick up on it, or doesn't care stepping forward. I feel my feet instinctually take me back, though I'm already pressed up against the counter, the edge digging into my lower back.

"How are you feeling?"

He keeps a caring tone. It's almost believable... I almost want to believe it. But a simple push against my skull brings me back to reality, brings me to remember he's still a demon. That I shouldn't trust him.

"I'm fine..."

My voice thankfully doesn't shake this time.

"Are you sure? You look pale..."

That much is obvious, my face whitened like a sheet as soon as I met those crimson eyes. I force a small nod keeping a small façade of a smile up. He clearly isn't buying my act, but seems to ignore it for the most part. A slight annoyance slithering under his caring eyes.

I feel my breath hitch as his hand moves to my face, it brushes a strand of brown from my face. I hadn't noticed it fell across my forehead. He gives another gentle smile, a slight tension hiding at its corners.

"You changed it... I like the brown better..."

Why the hell is he acting like we're friends? He realizes how uncomfortable I am, that much is obvious, so why is he acting so friendly, and why isn't Mark in control?

As the questions race my mind my eyes wander downward, away from the splashes of crimson. In his eyes.

His hand moves to my shoulder, causing my attention to jump back to him almost fearfully. The pressure he put on my arm caused my heartrate to increase even more if possible.

"You're afraid of me?"

The words leave as more of a statement rather than a question. I quickly shake my head, though that motion in itself gave a clear answer. His eyes drop, the caring moving to almost an anger. I feel the familiar pressure against my skull, silently urging me to let go. I do...

~~~~~~Anti's POV~~~~~~~

As that anger floods his eyes, that's when I step in. Sean backs away immediately, letting me take over with no trouble. As I feel the green flood his otherwise baby blue eyes that's when the anger peaks in his crimson eyes.

I return the glare easily, shrugging his hand from my... Sean's... shoulder. Pushing past him I curl my fingers, letting feeling return to them, it's been a while since I've taken control so easily, it's almost strange. Under different circumstances I'd be elated.


I force a grin onto my face, despite the anger rising, and turn to face him again, giving an almost innocent tilt of the head.

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