Chapter 7

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((I'm back! And stuff is happening!! :D))

~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~

Back again.... Restrained with this damn jacket... and I know for a fact it isn't coming off this time...

As much as I hate this place... it's certainly better than prison... Brought before the judge I was considered still mentally unstable... So back into the asylum I went... Under much better lockdown this time.

Guilt continued to eat away at me for what I did... No... For what he did...

Sean that wasn't me, what must I do to make you understand?

Anti huffs out in my head, I could feel his annoyance grow, which only made mine do the same. It's not my fault... I didn't do anything...

That wasn't me... that was us... that's what we could be Sean...

I say nothing in response, though I know he can hear my confused thoughts rocketing around.

Step off of your high horse and accept it... I know you felt it... The power...


I finally murmur, but I can't lie to him.... I did feel it... When I accepted him, even for that moment, I felt powerful... Like nothing could hurt me... It was the best I'd felt in a long time... I wanted to feel it again...

I can feel his smile grow, almost feeling it curl onto my own cheeks though I pushed it away. Keeping my face stoic as I leaned back against my wall again, adjusting my arms slightly in the strait jacket.

But on the other hand... I almost hurt Signe... The girl I once loved...

The girl who betrayed you...

I ignore him this time, but those words remain in my mind. That was how this all started... I'd suspected for months before we broke up... She'd been cheating on me... I just couldn't prove it... I never did... Perhaps it was all in my head... or...

I look up just as my door opens, interrupting my internal arguments, not that I mind. I look up to an orderly who glared at me with pure annoyance, I return it with a blank stare, ignoring it as his next words spark curiosity in my own eyes.

"You have a visitor..."

~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~

~My footsteps pound against the cold ground, leaves crunching under my shoes loudly, but otherwise silent. No birds, no small animals, no crickets, just an ominous silence, if not for my heavy panting. The cold air whipping at my face, trees surround me, towering over me with their terrifying height.

Where am I going? What am I running from?

I have no answer to these questions as I continue running, something tells me not to stop. I have to keep going... I have to keep going....

Running faster I feel my lungs scream for air, my legs threatening to give way beneath me, but I keep going, ignoring the branches that clawed at my skin and my racing heart that nearly beat from my chest.

Finally I come to a halt, eyes darting around the dense forest quickly. I'm lost... Where do I go... What-

A deep chuckle interrupts my thoughts. The sound surrounding me, unable to be pinpointed as it seemed to echo from all directions.

Choosing a direction I begin running again, making hardly a yard before my legs finally give out beneath me and I topple to the ground, feeling my knees sting with the force, and my wrist to ache as I caught myself.

The deep chuckle sounds again, but this time I can pinpoint it.... It's right in front of me. Only then do I notice the presence so close to me.

Evil... Pure evil... pure darkness....

I suck in a sharp breath, forcing myself to look upwards, and instantly regret it. I feel my breath hitch and my face to pale as I stare into a pair of sadistically blood red eyes~

I see nothing more as my eyes bolt open and I sit up quickly. My eyes dart around the room. I'm home... My bedroom the same slight mess I'd left it.

I suck in a few shaky breaths, pushing my hair from my sweat covered face hesitantly.

What the hell was that? What kind of dream is that? Who was that....?

I push these thoughts away, the remains of the nightmare still making me cautious as I slowly stood up, legs shaky and almost giving way.

Only after I'd stood do I feel that ache in my head. It hadn't gone away, hadn't faded, despite how much medication I took... Any more I'd risk an overdose.

I huff and walk to the bathroom, reaching a hand up to feel the bloodied bandages that wrapped around my head, wincing slightly at the small touch.

Maybe I should go to the hospital... The pain was bearable, but something felt off... Something just wasn't right with this ordeal.

I sigh and begin unwrapping the bandages. I'll go to the hospital after I change these... Hopefully I don't end up having a concussion or anything... That's the last thing I need...

As the bandages fall from my head once again something feels off. Setting the crimson stained bandages on the sink I reach a hand up to the back of my head where a wound had sat hidden beneath the wrap.

As my hand brushes it, I can feel the stickiness from the blood, I can see the red stain my fingers, but there's no wound....

I feel again and again, even taking a wet washcloth to it to wipe away the blood, but there was nothing...? No bruise, no mark to show that anything had happened. However, the pain remained, if anything it grew worse, the pounding in my skull threatening to drive me insane.

That's when I hear it... The sound that made me freeze...

A deep chuckle echoing around my skull, and I can almost see that set of crimson eyes....

((( DUN DUN DUUUUUN!!!! >:D)))

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