Chapter 31

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((Hey guys sorry this took a while. I've been battling the flu for the past 3 days, and still am today. But since I can't sleep, and can't eat, I figured why not update. So yah... Sorry if this sucks, i didn't feel like going back to revise it :) But enjoy anyhow ))

The silence after his words was agonizing. I have so many questions, yet can't bring myself to ask any more. I don't know what my question brought up in Anti, but the pure disgust I felt in him, towards himself nonetheless, it stopped me cold.

Not to mention the new information about Dark.

It's almost hard to believe they were human once. Neither of them seemed to have much mortality left, but I suppose it makes sense... Both have shown rather human-like emotions.

Things like Anti's agony, Dark's obsessive care, feelings like that can't be faked.

I feel Anti's apathy run through me, everything becoming rather bleak in a mere moment.

Another hour passes at least, I don't know what time it is. Hell, I've lost all concept of time at this point, not that I care I suppose... What do I need to worry about that for...? After all I'm stuck in this house, it might as well be a prison for all I care...

I sigh, finally forcing myself to sit up, to pull out of that self-pity even for a moment. The darkness of the room doesn't bother me, eyes having adjusted a while ago.

I have to squint at the light as I peek the door open, blinking a few times to adjust to the sudden change. I stay silent, hardly daring to breathe as I listen. Nothing.

Quiet so thick it seemed to make breathing difficult, it seemed to echo with a certain dread. I walk down the hall hesitantly, peeking out into the living room before I step in, bare feet making no noise on the carpeted ground. Mark was nowhere to be seen, I feel my eyes narrow, looking around, not even Chica wandered through the house, the absence of her nails clicking on the floor the one sound I'd relied on to beat this emptiness, this feeling of complete isolation.

I feel my muscles tense up, nerves racking fear through my body. Anti himself becomes more alert, that gentle pressure against my skull all I have to keep me together in this moment. Something felt off.

The sound of two quick bangs on the door startles me out of my unease, replacing it with cold, hard panic. I feel my body freeze for a mere moment as it sounds once more after a few seconds had passed.

"Fischbach, open up!"

A loud voice startles me again. Where the fuck is Mark!?

Based on the authority in the voice, I can only assume whoever it is, I don't' want to meet face-to-face.

Another loud knock, and then it stops. I turn quickly making it only a few steps before a loud crack and the door gives way.

I hear a click.


I feel my breath hitch, hands beginning to shake as they instinctively go up to mimic surrender. I turn slowly, hesitantly, eyes wide as they meet the barrel of a small hand gun. I feel my throat run dry, heart nearly beating from my chest. His mouth moves but I can't hear it over the pounding of my own heart, a ringing in my ears and pressure against my skull growing steadily with each moment.

I keep Anti back, listening to his screaming, his ordering for me to let him take control.

I can get us out of this! We aren't going back! LET ME OUT!

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