Scott and Princess

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"Let's just order and go back home, yeah?" Scott suggests when they're standing in front of the nearest Starbucks. It's almost empty, which is good. Mitch nods.


They don't really talk while they're standing in line, but it's not awkward. Mitch doesn't feel like talking, there's nothing to really talk about while you're standing in line, and neither does Scott. They just wait patiently until it's their turn to place the order.

"Hi, Scott!" The ash blonde barista greets him, smiling brightly. She's very petite and freckly, with vibrant blue eyes. Almost as bright as Scott's.

"Hi, Sandy. Can we get a venti mocha for me and... What would you like, Mitchy?"

Mitch's heart melts at the nickname. He looks at the girl, wide-eyed, unable to speak until he stutters out his usual order of a soy latte.

"So, what should I write on the cups?" She smiles. Right, Scott always posts a selfie with his Starbucks cup with a ridiculous name like Sparkles or something. Every single time it's something else, completely random.

"Um... Can you write princess on his cup? And for me... Just write Scott this time."

She frowns but nods. Scott's never, not once posted a cup that actually read his real name.

He turns to Mitch. "Is princess okay?"

"Uh, sure! Yeah, I like that."

Mitch can see it in Sandy's eyes that she wants to ask something but thankfully, she just keeps it to herself as she scribbles down the names in her cursive handwriting.

It takes about five more minutes until their order is complete and they can take their cups and go back home. Whoa. Home. It feels weird to regard Scott Hoying's house as his home, but that's basically what it is.

As soon as Scott and Mitch both enter their home, Scott rushes to the nearest surface and places both cups on it, taking out his phone. Mitch frowns.

"What are you doing?"

"Brand deal," he just replies, taking a photo of both cups, with the names on display. Princess and Scott. Scott and Princess. "Starbucks gives me money if I post pictures." He shrugs. "They do that with a lot of people."

He unlocks his phone, opening his Instagram and swiping to the right to open up stories. He bites his lip, hesitating.

"Should I tag you in my post? Or do you think it's better to keep you mysterious? Wait, I actually think we should keep you mysterious. Is that alright?"

Mitch, overwhelmed with what Scott just said so quickly, just nods. "Sure."

"But I'll follow you, though. What's your username?"

"Just mitchgrassi, my name."


Scott posts the picture with only Starbucks tagged, and goes to find Mitch's profile to follow him. As soon as he does, a picture of Mitch lying on a pool floatie comes up. He double taps but frowns as he reads the caption.

"Your birthday was a couple of days ago?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Happy belated birthday, Mitchy. Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Thank you!" He blushes. "And sure, Mitchy is fine with me. Can I... call you Scotty?" He asks shyly. He knows that's not something you should be asking your idol but they're friends? Kind of?

"Sure!" Scott's smile widens. "Oh, maybe we should come up with our story, you know. So if anyone asks, we don't mess up and say different things?"

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