Golden Leaves

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A/N: A month without uploading she comes back with a chapter!! No but for real, I'm sorry I didn't update for so long, I just kind of wasn't in the mood to write these past weeks and when I was I was writing something else that I'll hopefully finish soon. But I wrote a chapter today 😊 Hope you like this one, I really do 🙈


Scott: Hey Mitchy
Scott: I'm sorry I didn't answer last night
Scott: I don't have an excuse so I'm just gonna say sorry
Scott: How are you?

Mitch woke up to his phone buzzing and lighting up right next to his face - he must've fallen asleep waiting for Scott's reply. As soon as he realized what was happening he sat up and grabbed his phone like a maniac and unlocked it. A weight fell off his chest when he saw Scott's name on the display and he was finally able to exhale in relief. Scott still wanted to talk to him.

Mitch: Hey :)

Mitch: I miss you..

For a few seconds he hovered his thumb over the send button, wanting to send it but knowing eventually he'd delete it again, but the overly sensitive display decided to take the decision from him and soon enough he saw two blue ticks right next to his speech bubble.


Oh, the anticipation of the dots...

Scott: I miss you too

A smile made its way to Mitch's lips but was quickly replaced by a frown.

Mitch: I'm sorry for everything. I don't know why I overreacted, it was so stupid and I should've listened but I didn't.. And now you're a mess because of me, you haven't even showered...

He realized a second too late what he'd just said. Scott didn't know he watched the stream last night. And he wasn't supposed to know.

Scott: How do you know?

He sighed and looked back at his display. There was no point in this, texting like stupid kids that didn't have the guts to talk to each other in person. So he called, and Scott picked up after just one ring.


"Hey.." His heart warmed up as soon as he heard Scott. "I just wanted to hear your voice.. I missed you." Stupid, Mitch. You've already said that.

"I missed you, too... Are you.." Coming back?

Even though Scott trailed off, Mitch knew what he wanted to say. That's kind of always been their thing, finishing each other's sentences, just instinctively knowing what the other was thinking. How ironic that a misunderstanding would bring Mitch to the other side of the country.

He nodded before he realized Scott couldn't see him. "Yeah... I mean, I want to."

"I talked to my producers. You could work as a music producer here, they said they'd love to meet you. You can bring Kirstie, too."

Mitch didn't know what to think of the offer. He loved it, but he didn't want to use Scott for anything like that. "I'll talk to her about it. But hon-" He caught his slip at the very last second. They'd used pet names all the time, but now he just didn't know if it was still an okay thing to do, so he cleared his throat to cover it up. "Scott," he amended, "you don't have to find jobs for me. I can manage."

"I just wanna make it as easy for you as possible."

"Thank you. That means a lot."

"You're my best friend, Mitch. I.. Just wanna hug you again. I want us to cuddle up in blankets and have a Spongebob marathon at night, I wanna watch the Beyoncé documentary with you over and over again until we both start to hate it. And I want you to burn the pots so I can take you out. I just want to laugh at stupid jokes with you and stay up until six am just talking. I miss you. I just wish it was like it used to be."

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