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I'm nervous.

I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous.

Mitch was shaking and while some of it might be due to his fear of flights, all he could think about was the imminent meeting with Scott. He hadn't called him up yet, he didn't want to rush it, or so he was telling himself. He knew he was just putting it off, but now that the pilot announced the landing at LAX he felt like he was in a free fall unable to stop himself from crashing onto the hard concrete.

He almost popped a Xanax, almost. He only stopped himself when the flight attendant came to his seat and offered him some wine instead. And now, with the empty bottle that once held 375ml of fine red Chardonnay in his hands, he was breathing rapidly, squeezing his eyes shut to force himself to relax even id just for a moment. Everything in vain, obviously.

Only when the plane had already landed he realized how his knuckles were white from gripping the armrests of the seat tightly, and while he was relieved being safe on the ground his heart only sped up and he could feel pearls of cold sweat rolling down his forehead and wetting his baby bangs.

After grabbing his backpack and finally getting out of the plane he made a beeline for the exit - he didn't bring luggage as he was planning on staying only for two nights anyways - and got into one of the cabs waiting outside of the airport.

"Uh... Mini Mansion in Hollywood Hills, please."

The driver just nodded and typed it into his GPS and started driving. Mitch pulled his phone out of his pocket. He wanted to, no, he had to text Scott, he still had his number, but his thumb just hovered over his name and wouldn't obey to type on it. So, instead, he decided to text Kirstie.

Mitch: Kirst!! I'm omw to the hotel and help what do i text scott do i even text him at all can you text him omg help me
Mitch: Kirstin please
Mitch: what do i do
Mitch: im freaking out over here

Kirst: lol calm down I'm here
Kirst: just say you're in LA and you wanna talk to him

Mitch: u sure?? I can't do that
Mitch: Kirsttttiieeiii Help

Kirst: wow Kirstiei I've been called many things but that's a first
Kirst: but sure hon you can do it I believe in you
Kirst: let me know how it goes

Mitch took a deep breath and forced himself to type on Scott's name. He just hoped he wouldn't catch him in a bad moment and blow it. He didn't know if Max checked his phone. He didn't think so considering how many weeks he's been texting Kirstie, but he couldn't know for sure. So he opted for vagueness.

Mitch: Hey Scott, I'm in town and I would like to meet up and discuss our collaboration that you've told me about.
I look forward to meeting you!
- Brendon Urie

Mitch's brain short-circuited and all he could think about was that only he knew about Scott's wish to work with the singer, so obviously Scott should know it was him, right? All while Max would assume it was actually Brendon. No. No, that was actually stupid. Oh god. Oh no. He went back to Kirstie's chat.

Mitch: I'm a fucking idiot

Kirst: What did you do???

Mitch: Idk if this max dude is gonna check his phone so I wanted to be safe so I said i'm brendon urie


Mitch: but at least he's gonna reply

And at that moment, his phone buzzed and he didn't know whether to be relieved or even more nervous.

Scott: Mitch? You're the only person I ever talked to about this please tell me it's you

Mitch couldn't even process that his stupid text actually worked but he still typed his answer right away.

Mitch: It's me. We need to talk.

"Uh... We're here." The cab driver startled Mitch but he just nodded, playing it cool (he didn't know how long they've already been there) so he handed him the money and hurried out of the cab to the check-in. He knew he left Scott on the infamous we need to talk line, but he definitely didn't do it on purpose but after everything he's been put through, he felt like he kind of deserved it. But still, he felt bad for even thinking that.

As soon as he got into his room he threw his bag on the ground and sat down on the bed, ready to carry on the conversation. He didn't even pay much attention to the room, it had a bed and frankly, that was all that mattered. It was one of the cheapest ones he could find in this area and for now, that was good enough. He just wanted to talk to Scott and then get his ass back to New York.

Mitch: After reading the letter I just wanted to talk to you in person. I hope that's alright, and we're not breaking any rules if we just meet up, are we?

Scott replied immediately after, Mitch assumed he'd probably been staring at his phone for the past half an hour. For a moment, he felt bad but then again, he'd spent close to a month staring at his phone while Scott was secretly texting Kirstie.

Scott: Of course not. And I'm glad you read the letter. I don't deserve all of this, the world is being too good to me by even just letting me text you right now
Scott: Mitchy I missed you

Mitch hesitated and bit his lip before he typed out the words.

Mitch: I missed you too. Can you come over to my hotel room? Tomorrow? I'm staying at Mini Mansion.

Scott: Of course. I'll text you when I've made sure to cancel my interview yeah?

Mitch cringed. He didn't want Scott to not be able to do his job just for him.

Mitch: You don't have to cancel interviews for me. Just come whenever you have time?

Scott: Don't worry, I didn't really wanna do that anyways, and as I promised you, I'll treat you like you deserve to be treated. And if you want to talk to me, I'll be there. No excuses, no buts. You'll always come first.

Mitch: Thank you. So... See you tomorrow?

Scott: Promise.

Mitch made a face. He'd promised a lot of things in the past only to let Mitch down. But in a way, it was calming to know that whatever Scott would do, Mitch would have his answer. If he shows up, good. If not, then Mitch would just fly back and get over him. He decided to give him exactly one more chance to prove himself, just like Kirstie said. And with that thought, he texted him back.

Mitch: Make sure to keep it.

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