Drunk In Love

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"Mitchy, I want you to have some fun, too!"

Mitch just shook his head but chuckled a little. "I don't love parties. I'd rather stay home and watch TV or something."

"Come onnnnn," Scott begged like a little kid before he even puppy-eyed him. "Please?"

"Scott!" Mitch whined. "This isn't fair."

"Pretty please?" Another puppy-eye look. Damnit.

"Fine." Mitch stood up from the couch where he had already gotten the remote and was ready to binge his favorite show on Netflix. "Where are we going?"

"There's a club down in Studio City, we go there pretty much every time."

Mitch walked into his bedroom to get changed - he'd already put on his comfy pajamas to get cozy - not in the slightest surprised that Scott had followed him. After living together for a little more than two weeks they'd made a mutual agreement that it was okay to walk into each other's bedrooms without asking.

"Is it, like... fancy? What should I wear?"

"Oh!" Scott's eyes lit up and Mitch knew exactly he had the perfect idea for his outfit of the night. "I know exactly what you need!"

He disappeared into his room and a few moments later he emerged with a black and gold silk blouse and his pink coat that he'd bought last week. For 19,000 dollars. Mitch still felt like fainting when he thought about it.

"That coat? I'm gonna ruin it for your music video shoot."

"Oh, um..." Scott scratched the back of his neck. "Here's the thing... There is no music video shoot. This... I thought you'd look good in it."

Mitch just stared at Scott, wide-eyed, trying to process what he'd just said.

"Are you serious?" He asked monotonously. "Did you really- I- what?"

"A late birthday gift! I wasn't around for your birthday, so..."

"My birthday was over a month ago, Scott!"

"I still wanted to get you something. Please?" He held the coat out for Mitch to take. Mitch hesitated, but finally nodded and accepted his present.

"I- I don't know what to say. This is... Scott, don't spend so much money on me, damn it. Thank you so much."

He captured Scott in a tight, loving hug.

"Do you like it?"

Now Mitch couldn't contain his smile anymore. "Of course. I love it."

"Okay." Scott reciprocated the smile. "I'm glad you do. And now get changed, I can't wait to see you in this."

After Scott left the room Mitch got changed and he had to admit, he looked better than he ever had. It was definitely over the top, but he looked like a rich lady, a fine woman going out to a charity event with her husband, and he was living for this look. He pictured himself by Scott's side in a fancy lounge, sipping a dry martini, and he nodded to himself before he flashed a smile into the mirror. This was going to be a hell of a night.


"Have I already told you how fucking gorgeous you are?" Scott slurred after his third strawberry martini, making Mitch blush.

"Yes, you have," he said shyly. "About twenty times already."


"Hey, babe. Why don't you check out that guy right there?" He nodded in the general direction of a man who was casually standing by the bar, nodding to the beat, a glass of something in his hand. "He looks cute."

"Not as cute as you," he slurred again but shrugged. "I guess I should try. Try, right? That's what you said I should do."

"Exactly." Don't blush, damn it!

Scott approached the stranger and after a few words he was holding his hand and accompanied him to the dancefloor. Mitch sank into the soft, white cushions of the sofa. He was worried. Scott hasn't been in a relationship for quite a while now, two years. He said he's ready, but Mitch knows he clearly isn't. He's clutching onto the past too much, he hasn't had enough time to heal from all his heartbreaks. And seeing him dancing - now grinding - against a random dude while drunk out of his mind stung a little in Mitch's heart. He didn't want Scott to get hurt again. He knows he would never hurt him, but he wasn't in control now, and that, he hated. He hated to see the two dance, touch, see the man whisper something into Scott's ear. He hated Scott's hands on his hips, the way he moved, the way his hands ran down to squeeze his butt. He didn't even catch himself roll his eyes and avert his look from the couple. When he looked again, they were sloppily kissing and Mitch felt sick and stood up and headed to the exit. He blamed it on his panic attacks. He was just having a panic attack. Everything was okay. It was all okay.

Take deep breaths, Mitch. Calm down. Everything's okay. Nothing happened.

He doesn't remember much of what happened afterward. He must've somehow gotten up from the sidewalk and walked back inside, because the next thing he saw was a disheveled Scott coming out of the restroom, walking straight towards him.

"Got his number!" He beamed, holding up a slip of paper with a messy handwriting. "His name is Sebastian. He's a musician, too."

"I'm sure that's what you talked about in the bathroom," Mitch muttered. "Anyways, come on, let's get you home."

He grabbed Scott's arm to help him walk because there was no way Scott could even attempt to find the exit in the state he was in. Suddenly, Mitch was more than glad about his decision to only stick to one glass of wine for tonight.

"I think I ordered an uber," Scott muttered when they were outside of the club. Mitch raised his eyebrows.

"You think?"

In that exact moment, Scott got the notification on his phone that the uber was there to pick them up.

"I'm actually pretty sure I did."

"Alright..." Mitch sighed, holding Scott so he didn't fall. "Did you have fun with... the guy?"

"Yeah!" They got into the car. "He was great. If you know what I mean." He giggled, and Mitch couldn't bear it. He handed the driver a piece of paper with their address, deciding not to react to Scott's statement.

"Scott... You're so gonna regret this tomorrow morning. And it's my fault."

"No, what are you talking about?"

"You're messed up. You can't even walk straight!"

"Well, I was never straight!" Scott laughed at his own joke but when he saw the serious look on Mitch's face he stopped. "Not funny? Okay."

"Scott... My point is, you're gonna regret drinking so fucking much and hooking up with someone you won't even remember tomorrow."

"Well, I could've hooked up with a much, much cuter boy but he's not really an option."

"What?" Mitch frowned, completely confused. "What are you even talking about?"

"There's... There's this guy I'm in love with. I think. But he'd never want me."   

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