I'm Yours, You're Mine

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"Are you sure I can stay here? I don't want it to get so awkward again that we run out of the patio." Mitch huffed out a laugh at the memory. "Felt like when I was still in the closet and my parents came home."

"You can definitely stay." Scott checked the time on his phone. "He still has two auditions now, and he'll probably have dinner out, too. He always comes home past 10, and I mean always. So we're free to do whatever we want to do."

Mitch still felt nervous but after what Scott had just said he was slowly starting to relax. Max was still at work, or better, trying to find work, so they'll be safe.

"Okay, and what do we want to do?" It came out more suggestively than intended, but he was up for pretty much anything, so he didn't comment on it.

"Oh, I don't know," Scott whispered back and started kissing Mitch. "Whatever you're up for."

"I'm liking it so far." He pulled Scott closer by his neck and went back in for a kiss which Scott gladly reciprocated. It was just as heated as it was supposed to be, Mitch knew that Scott didn't want to go any further when he straddled him and pushed him down to lie on the bed.

"You're mine..." He whispered in between kisses, looking right into Mitch's beautiful brown eyes. Mitch smiled.

"And you're mine." He cupped his cheek and brought him in for another kiss when they suddenly jumped apart, their eyes glued to the door.

"Did you hear that?" Scott whisper-screamed. Footsteps. "Fuck!"

"Shit! Oh no, what-"

"Closet!" Scott pointed at the door to his walk-in-closet and Mitch made a beeline for it and closed the door behind him. Great. Welcome back in the closet, Mitchell.

"What are you doing?"

That must've been Max, Mitch vaguely recognized the voice from that one night that he'd really rather forget.

"Oh, nothing, I... Was texting Candice. What's up? You're back early."

"And? What's your problem? Anyways, let's take a picture together for my Instagram. They said they were looking for someone with a name. I'm not famous enough."

Scott laughed bitterly. "Oh, and you think one picture will change that?"

"This is what you signed up for, Hoying," he hissed. "Now don't be a bitch about it, or you can go back to your little whore. But you know what I'll do to him and his family." There we go. Thanks for nothing, idiot.

"Don't call him that. You're sick."

"I'm not sick. I'm just taking what I need, and you're so kindly offering it to me."

"I'm just pretending to be your fucking boyfriend so you don't hurt Mitch!"

"You still had a choice."

"Oh yeah. Sure," Scott spat sarcastically. Mitch's heart weighed heavy in his chest and he had a lump in his throat like he was about to cry. Oh no. Don't break down in a panic attack now. Now is really not the time.

"Let's do this. I also want you to fuck me, later. I'm stressed the fuck out."

"Not happening. I don't want to."

"You know who cares?" Short pause. "Not me."

A shuffling sound - Mitch assumed he sat down on the bed. A kissing sound. Ouch.

"Oh, your fans are gonna love this." For sure not.

"Hey, just a quick question. If I were to, let's say, have met someone. Would you care?" Oh no. Scott, what the fuck are you doing?

"As long as nobody finds out, no. I don't care. You go fuck your little whore, don't worry. I won't hurt him as long as nobody finds out."

"So you... don't care?"

"Are you hard of hearing, Jesus, I don't give a damn about your feelings. I'm using you in case you didn't notice that. But the fun thing about this is... Nobody ever gets to know that. They think we're the..." He paused. "Cutest couple on earth. Your fans are sweet, aren't they?"

"That's bullshit, you literally just made that up. Everyone hates you."

"There are a lot of people who do, yes, but I wouldn't go as far as to say everyone. Anyways, I'm just gonna take a shower and then you'll fuck me."

"Go on and take your shower but I'm not fucking you."

"That's what you said last time, but guess what happened."

"You threatened me."

"Yes, but baby honey sweetie if you tell anyone about it I'm not just gonna make your life hell, remember that. Without a confession or proof, you can't do anything, and I'm not confessing and you don't have proof."

"Fuck off and take your shower. Sick bastard."

The door closed and Mitch waited for a few more moments until he heard the water run in the shower and Scott finally opened the closet door, a tear running down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away.

"Are you okay?" Mitch asked. Scott nodded.

"Come on, I'll bring you to your hotel."

They drove in complete silence, both too upset to speak until Scott came to a halt in front of their destination. After neither of them made a move to get out of the car, Scott finally spoke up.

"I did it."

Mitch frowned. "You did what?"

"Recorded him. I was terrified he would find out. And I'm sorry you had to hear all that."

Scott pulled out his phone and clicked on the voice memo. Rustling... What are you doing? He turned it off again, not wanting to relive it. Once was more than enough.

"I'm still scared. You heard him. If I tell someone... Things could happen."

Mitch nodded. "I know..."

"I'm gonna talk to my manager tomorrow and see what we can do. I'm sure she'll keep it to herself if I ask her to."

"Okay. Hey, if there's anything I can help you with, let me know. I told you we'll go through it together. I love you, boyfriend."

"Thank you. I love you, too. I'll let you know as soon as I talk to her. And... I'm sorry. I really am. I hope this was the last time it happened..."

"I hope so, too."

"Goodnight, baby. See you tomorrow." Scott pressed a loving kiss to Mitch's lips, leaving him flustered as if it was their first kiss.

"Goodnight. Try to not... you know..."

Scott nodded confidently. "I won't."

Mitch unfastened the belt and opened the door, but Scott spoke up again.

"As soon as this is over we'll go on a vacation wherever you'd like, okay? I need to get away from this place."

"Surprise me." 

Mitch's smile was bittersweet, just like Scott's, when he closed the door of the G-Wagon and eventually entered the tiny hotel.

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