Single, Dating, Trying Things Out

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"You're working on a new album," the interviewer begins, reading it out from a card in his hands. "How's that going so far?"

"It's going well, yeah," Scott says, looking into the set up camera. "I've been writing and arranging all month and we already recorded a bunch of songs but there's still a lot more to come."

"Can you give us any details about the name of the album, or upcoming tours?"

"I'm afraid, no." Scott chuckles shyly. "It's gonna be a surprise."

"Okay, well, now to a different topic. You're openly gay."

"That's right."

"What is it like for someone in your position to be out of the closet?"

"Well," Scott sighs, "most of the time, it's amazing. You just get to be yourself and be comfortable with yourself, you don't really have to hide anything. But sometimes it's hard, especially when you go through your comments on social media or read critics. There's always gonna be people who are just gonna hate you for who you are."

The man nods, continuing to read the cards. "Would you agree that it's radical to be openly gay in such a mainstream position of power?"

"Absolutely," Scott replies, his gaze flickering to Mitch who's sitting on the other end of the room, observing everything, but he quickly focuses back to the interviewer. "It's radical in that aspect that I'm not hiding anything, I'm living my life and no one can stop me, you know? And whenever someone hates me for being gay I'm like, I don't care. I'm at this point in my life where I just don't keep up with the negativity that much. It's there, but you just gotta ignore it."

"But you haven't always been that confident about yourself and your sexuality."


"At the beginning of your career, I remember, you would change the lyrics to have female pronouns. Was that just a way of hiding who you were or did you have to figure it out yourself-"

"I just wasn't comfortable," Scott answers, leaning back on the couch. "I was scared of the impact it would have on my life as a musician because I just didn't know that many openly queer singers. So I hid it. But I'm glad to say that I'm not that person anymore."

"So as you came out two years ago on social media," the interviewer begins, "was that hard? And how was your time after that?"

Scott laughs a little. Mitch remembers it exactly, the day Scott Hoying posted his coming out video, making Mitch cry because, for the first time, Mitch could relate to someone.

"It was hard. I'd filmed it days, I think even weeks before I finally had the courage to upload it to Twitter. I never rewatched it, I was too embarrassed. And after I posted it I didn't leave my house for ten days, didn't go on social media, I was terrified. But everyone was so nice, it was truly heartwarming."

"That's so good to hear. Anyways, there were rumors before you came out that you were dating your friend Kirstin."

Scott huffs out a laugh. "Yeah, I remember."

"Did coming out help with rumors, or are there still rumors going around?"

"Well, not about me dating a female anymore," he says. "Well, there was one article that talked about me getting engaged to my girlfriend for whatever reason, that was even after my coming out." He laughs. "But other than that, there were rumors that I was dating one of my best friends, Mark, but I can assure you he's in a healthy, wonderful relationship with another guy."

"But what about you, are you single, dating?"

"I'm..." Scott slightly hesitates. "Single, I mean, dating, trying things out, you know?"

"Okay..." Thankfully, the interviewer goes on to the next cue card. "Can you tell us about your fellow model?"

Scott already saw it coming, ever since Luke e-mailed the edited photo to Out Magazine he knew he was going to be interrogated.

"Sure." He runs his fingers through his hair, looking at Mitch who's smiling at him softly. "His name is Mitch Grassi, he's- he's an amazing person, and model as it turns out." A smile spreads on his lips.

"We think the statement that you made with this photo is amazing and bold," the interviewer continues. "Congratulations, you did well."

"Thank you."

The guy puts the cards down on the table and goes to turn the camera off. He sighs, sitting back down on the couch. Scott gestures for Mitch to join them and he does, sitting as close to Scott as possible. It's getting quite chilly in the room.

"I'm sorry, I've been sent these questions, I know they were all pretty cringy."

Scott just waves him off. "They weren't that bad."

"Anyways..." He stands up. "It was nice working with you. It was especially nice to meet you, Mitch."

"Thank you." He blushes. "It was nice to meet you, too."


Mitch raises his eyebrows at Scott, confused. Did he just call him babe?

"Wanna go out for food?"

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