New Beginnings

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Mitch didn't know what to do. For the past half an hour he's been pacing back and forth around his tiny hotel room, unable to sit down and take a deep breath. Whenever he attempted that, he just ended up fidgeting, biting his nails and cracking his knuckles even though he'd made a mental note to break the latter two habits. He checked his watch before he remembered he wasn't wearing one and checked his phone instead, seeing that he didn't have any messages, so he turned it off. Then he remembered he actually wanted to check the time and repeated the action.

It was 4:56 PM, Scott was supposed to come in at 5. That is, if he came at all. Mitch hoped so, but he also tried to keep his expectations low. He didn't know how many let-downs he was still able to take.

5:00. Any second now.

Mitch remembered he hadn't had lunch today - a bad decision, as it turned out. His stomach was rumbling, begging for food but Mitch had spent too much time being nervous this whole day that he simply forgot. How ironic. Just like the day he met Scott for the first time.

Speaking of, it sort of felt that way to him, too. He remembered being so nervous he was barely able to stand because he was about to meet his favorite celebrity that he'd idolized for years. It all felt like decades ago, but it was just last summer. Now he was nervous because he was about to meet his friend. Ex-lover, if you will. Nah, that sounds cheesy. Let's stick to friend with romantic potential for now.

5:01. No hint of Scott. No new messages, nothing.


Mitch swallowed around the lump in his throat.

This is it. He fucked you over once again. Congratulations, you naive idiot. You made it.

5:02. Was it too early to just leave?

5:03. Someone knocked on the door. Mitch jumped up and almost tripped running towards the it.

Okay, calm down. It's not Scott. It's just room service. It's not Scott, don't get too excited.

He opened the door, ready to pay whatever he owed to the hotel employee when he realized that he was, in fact, standing in front of none other than Scott Hoying himself.

"I- uh..."

Mitch's eyes traveled down to the big bouquet of flowers he was holding in his hands - a mix of red, white and yellow roses.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I... was standing in line for this. I- I wanted to... to pick the right colors."

"You're not that late, I... was just worried you changed your mind."

"I would never. Can I... Come in?"

Mitch nodded and stepped aside. There it was again, the tension between them that he hated so much. He missed the days where they would just sit on the couch all night joking about actually being together while watching shitty rom-coms on Netflix.

"Oh, um... These are for you. To say sorry. I mean, not only, I..." He sighed, then muttered, "Oh god, what am I doing?"

"Thank you." Mitch took the roses from him and went to grab a vase to pour water into. "You really didn't have to."

"This was the least I could do. And, um... Yeah. I know the flowers don't make it a great or valid apology, but..." He trailed off, obviously not knowing how to express his thoughts. Mitch took a deep breath to compose himself. Why the hell did it feel like they were strangers again?!

"Scott, I don't know how to say this..." Mitch began, sighing. "Can we just talk like actual adults for a moment?"

Scott nodded. "Of course."

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