Mysterious Person

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It's Mitch's first day working for RCA. He's barely a PA for the PA's, he's nobody, but still, somehow the stars aligned to make him the chosen one. Now, this sounds more mysterious than it really is. It is pretty fucking cool though.


He's sorting some papers when his boss' secretary comes into the office. He looks up, slightly intimidated by her urgent tone.


"Mr. Kalter wants to talk to you."

Mitch immediately drops everything and follows the woman into his boss' office. Now, Mr. Kalter is a young man, probably in his late twenties, but he's already married with two kids. He's also not bad looking, Mitch would describe him as a lean guy who works out occasionally, he has brown hair, gray eyes and a neat scruff. Sometimes he likes to wear his black-rimmed glasses, but he doesn't always need them. Would Mitch say his boss is hot? Yes, but also no. There are just some boundaries that you shouldn't cross with an authority.

"Mr. Grassi. Can I call you Mitchell?"

He's standing, motioning to the seat for Mitch to sit. He does so timidly. "Mitch is fine."

"'Kay, just call me Jonathan then, yeah? Anyways, Mitch." He locks his stormy gray eyes with the brown ones across from him. "We just received an important e-mail. From Esther Koop."

Mitch's eyes widen.

"E-Esther Koop? As in, Scott Hoying's personal assistant, Esther Koop?"

Mr. Kalter, Jonathan, smiles. "You got it. I'm surprised you know her, to be completely honest. I'm impressed."

"Of course I know her! Scott Hoying is an idol." I've been completely obsessed with him since my teen years!

"Yeah, well, she needs an assistant," Jonathan continues. Mitch's heart is racing, his palms are sweating, he has no idea what to expect from this but he is damn nervous. "I went through our files and found you. You started today, right?"

Mitch just nods. "Yeah."

"Perfect," his boss mutters. "No, no offense but it is perfect for this job. No one knows who you are."

"Um... thanks? What is the job?" Mitch scratches the back of his head insecurely.

"The job is..." Jonathan trails off, looking through the files on the desk right in front of him.

"Will I meet Scott Hoying?"

This catches Jonathan's attention because his focus is right back on Mitch, and Mitch could slap himself for having said it in the first place. Sure, that is his main priority, but this is his job, goddamn it. So yes, maybe he did apply at RCA because Scott is signed here, but he would've never dreamed of working with Esther Koop?!

"That is... kind of the deal. Yes, you will meet him. In fact, you'll be working with him."

He hands Mitch a form and a pen.

"Just fill this out, will you? I'll send it to Esther when you're done."

Mitch nods, looking down at the questions. What the fuck is this?

Please cross the box that applies to you, one being strongly agree and five being strongly disagree.

1. You are okay being ready for service at all times.
2. You are okay living with a stranger for an unlimited amount of time.
3. You are okay doing things that might be out of your comfort zone.
4. You are good at improvising.
5. You are an interesting and mysterious person.

We trust our services to find just the right person suitable for this job!

"Okay, but look, Mr-"


"Jonathan." Mitch takes a deep breath. "Am I Scott's new PA or what?"

"Something like that?" Jonathan just shrugs. "Not exactly a personal assistant, Esther is Scott's PA, but I guess you could say that. Did you fill out the form?"

Mitch bites his lip. He contemplates for a moment before deciding to just go for it and puts a cross into the strongly agree box behind every question. If everything goes wrong he can just quit, right?


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