I'll wait for you

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A/N: Puhh... So this is my second attempt at writing this chapter as I accidentally deleted the first one. It's frustrating because I was really happy with how the first one turned out, now I tried to piece together what I remembered but it's not the same. Either way, enjoy reading (or not so much I'M SORRY) and let me know what you think!


Mitch knew how he said he was just going to watch TV and go to bed early, but for some reason, he ended up binge-watching the entire first season of Orphan Black in one sitting and now couldn't sleep because he just had to find out what happened to Kira. So he checked the time and decided that three am wasn't too late and started season two.

He was just past the intro when he heard footsteps coming downstairs. Was Scott already home? Mitch frowned but shrugged after a while, remembering that it was in fact pretty late. He grabbed the remote to rewind the minute or two that he missed due to being distracted by the sounds, but wait - he stopped the show. There was no way this was only one person. Two people? Or even three?

"Scott?" Mitch shouted, just to be sure. Usually, Scott would come into Mitch's room after a night out on his own, just to talk to him for a few minutes, and if Mitch was already asleep, he would gently close the door again, but now all Mitch could hear was the door shutting right next to his room. Scott's room. Oh no. This wasn't happening.

He's not cheating on you, Mitch. He can't even cheat. You're not a couple. He tried to tell himself that, and even though this was technically true, it still stung in Mitch's heart to know that Scott might be tight and in the company of another man right now.

Calm down. Maybe it just sounded weird. Maybe it was just Scott all along. You're tired, maybe you're making things up.

"Oh, baby!"

"Yes, harder!"

For sure, he didn't make that up.

It was the typical shock situation. Mitch just blinked, trying to comprehend what was happening but as soon as his brain and heart caught up, he bit his lip, swallowed around the lump in his throat and tried to keep the tears away. But although he knew that he had no right to cry over it, his mind replayed Scott's words over and over again.

I'll wait for you.

Wait. My ass, wait until next Saturday night.

The first tear made its way down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it off, almost as if to hide the fact that he was crying from himself.

So this was his life now. He had a stupid crush on his stupid best friend who was fucking a stranger. At best, it was a stranger. He could just hope that it wasn't someone he was actually close to.

He turned the show back on, and even though he had no idea what was going on anymore nor did he care at all, he needed something to clear his mind and make him stop thinking about what was happening right now. He also made sure to turn the volume up, for one to drown out Scott and his stranger but also to let him know that he could hear him.

Of course, Mitch wasn't paying attention to the show. It didn't get his mind off of Scott, either. He shook his head, trying to tell himself that it wasn't happening, but of course, it didn't do anything. His tiredness, however, was doing its job and so Mitch was suddenly glad he'd stayed up so late just to watch a show. He couldn't bear the idea of him being oblivious to all of this.

Somehow, they'd finally found Kira, Mitch didn't know how but she seemed to be fine and for the split of a second, it was all that mattered. That is until he remembered his own reality, which consisted of a man he loved fucking another man, and he was just left to hope that it was only a hookup and nothing more.

I'll wait for you.

Mitch couldn't hold it in. More tears came and he quickly gave up on trying to wipe them off. Desperately, he tried to focus back on the show that he could only watch through his blurry vision now, but he just needed something to keep him from breaking down completely, and in a way, it worked. He managed to calm himself down, even if it was just a little, but it was all he could do right now. So he continued to stare at the TV screen, trying to make himself focus on something, anything, whether it was Felix's clothing (or lack thereof) or Cosima's makeup, he tried to pick up the smallest details that would distract him from his own personal hell.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, making Mitch jump, and a second later, Scott walked into his room like he owned this place. Granted, it was his house, but that was not the point.

"W'you... Will ya turn this down? I'm trynna sleep." He slurred the words, and Mitch knew he was as far from sober as one could be without passing out.

"You fucking asshole!" Mitch choked out. "Why did you fuck someone?" He knew it was stupid to accuse Scott of cheating, but he had to say something.

"Oh, Max?" Scott just shrugged and Mitch almost stood up and slapped him in the face. "I dunno."

"You said you'd wait for me!"

"Well, I can't wait forever."

And with that, he left Mitch alone with his tears and feelings.

Between the anger and disappointment that he felt, there was also regret. Actually, it was mostly regret. He regretted that he didn't say yes when Scott confessed his feelings. He regretted that he left to clear his mind. He regretted that he made things awkward between them. And most importantly, he regretted just not being ready.

He's always been scared of commitment, and now even more so because he actually loved Scott. He loved him from the bottom of his heart, as a best friend, as a lover, but he never wanted to hurt him. So he did the only thing that he knew how to do - push him away.

You only know what you had when you lose it. How fucking accurate.

Who even was this Max guy? Mitch tried not to think about it, but he still caught himself wondering if he was more handsome than him, taller, skinnier. Did he have brown hair like him? Or was he blonde and the complete opposite? He just prayed and hoped Max wasn't actually Maxwell, Scott's photographer friend, because that would make things even more awkward as he was also quite close to Mitch.

Max must've already left since there were no sounds coming from Scott's room, and Scott was probably asleep as well, unlike Mitch, who just lay there until morning, trying to keep the tears from falling but they did anyway and drenched his soft, white pillow.

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