Back on Track

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Mitch couldn't wait to run into Scott's arms again but at the same time, he wasn't even close to being ready. During the whole flight he's been dreading it, pushing off even thinking about it, but now that he was standing by the baggage claim, his anxiety made his palms sweat and his heart race. Now, he was basically good to go with his Balenciaga bag right by his side (which was an involuntary gift from Scott - not that he wasn't absolutely obsessed with it, but this boy needed to cut his expenses, damn it), but he still didn't budge.

He was excited, too. He couldn't wait to have his best friend back. But he also knew there was always going to be that little something in between them, whether they decided to make a move or not. Even if they'd agree on living on as best friends for the rest of their lives, there would always be that little what if that would make every we're just platonic sound like a blatant lie. Best friends can be as touchy-feely as they want to, but once they start to kiss... things usually change.

Mitch stood there for a good few minutes without a single clue of what to do with himself. He saw everyone from his plane line up and get out through the huge doors to greet their families, friends, hotel assistants holding their misspelled names on papers, and it wasn't like Mitch didn't have anyone. Behind those doors, Scott was waiting for him. But it took the time of everyone exiting before Mitch finally gathered the courage to face Scott in person after what had happened.

He didn't even know exactly what he was so scared of. He'd talked to Scott on the phone. He knew he wasn't mad. But it felt like a completely new start for him, almost as if he was meeting Scott all over again, not as his boss, a famous superstar, but as a friend. And it felt like months that he hasn't seen him.

Holy shit, Mitch completely forgot how packed LAX could be during the day. The moment he stepped out, he was greeted by hundreds and thousands of faces he's never seen before, and while everyone seemed to be thinking to themselves did I see him on the news sometime? all he was doing was trying to find Scott. Which was easier than anticipated, given that Scott was by a lot taller than the average person and was standing in a small secluded area, probably one of his many superstar perks. His eyes lit up the moment he spotted Mitch and he smiled, and suddenly a weight got lifted off of Mitch's shoulders and all the anxiety faded away into nothing but pure happiness.

"Hey, Mitchy," Scott whispered when they hugged, once again lingering for a second longer than a normal friendship would have allowed. But then again, they'd crossed the line of what was normal a long time ago.

"I missed you. I'm so sorry..."

"Shh.. Stop apologizing. It's all good. Let's go home, yeah?"

Mitch nodded, smiling softly. "Yeah. I'd love that."

Normally, while walking through the crowded parking lot they would be holding hands, but now they made sure to keep a distance between their bodies. Even though it had been staged before, this didn't feel natural either, and Mitch started to wonder whether it had ever been staged at all. Maybe both of them unknowingly, subconsciously just used the job as an excuse to get closer to each other. But no, Mitch quickly shook that thought off. His mind must be playing tricks on him again. Their hands, however, found their way towards each other like magnets and they intertwined their fingers for a brief second before Scott flinched away.

"I thought we said we weren't doing that anymore," he whispered.

"I- it wasn't on purpose," Mitch quickly replied. "It's just..." He huffed, trailing off with his sentence. "I don't know."

"Yeah..." Scott agreed with a similarly resigned voice. "I know."

After putting Mitch's bags inside the trunk, they both got into the black G-Wagon and started driving towards Hollywood Hills. Mitch took this as an opportunity to check his social media, not really keen on seeing all those hate posts about him but more because he was trying to stay updated. He scrolled down his feed while an old 80s rock song was playing on the radio, for some reason giving him the much-needed confidence. Oh no - there it was, the thing he's been dreading without even knowing it. A picture had been uploaded and liked by someone Mitch followed (blame Twitter for that notification) of Scott and Mitch hugging at the airport. And, what a surprise, it had already spread like wildfire.

Everyone calm down Scömìche is still as strong as ever!!

And then the comments of course analyzing his whereabouts.

Omg where is this from??

Mitch just landed he's back in LA


Mitch bit his lip. Fun. Those fans.

Don't hate on Mitch he's literally an angel

"Thanks-" Mitch read the username, "Savannah."

"Did you say something?"

Right. Mitch wasn't still alone in his apartment in New York, so talking to himself was maybe a little weird.

"Oh, I was just reading some comments," he said. "Someone took a photo of us hugging at the airport."

"Oh.." Mitch thought Scott was really upset but then he finally shrugged and looked over to Mitch. "Whatever. This is sort of a new start, right? Let's not think about it too much." He gave him a soft smile which took at least some of his anxiety away.

"Okay. I'll try. It's just really harsh sometimes, but that's fans. They're very protective over you."

"I know." Scott sighed. "They probably can tell that all my boyfriends have been assholes so far, so whenever there's someone new they don't trust them. What did they say?"

"Oh, um... Someone said they were happy when they thought we broke up. But... Overall they're saying scomiche is back on track." He laughed. "I guess that's nice, right?"

"Right." Scott chuckled, too. "But if you want me to clear things up, we can. If this shipping thing is bothering you, we can say something about it. Tell them to stop, I don't know."

"No. But thank you. I just want to care less."

"Okay. Hey, did I tell you I'm part of a small show tomorrow night with my friend Vincint? A lot of cover songs, maybe thirty people in the audience, not much. Do you wanna come?"

"Sure! Do I get to film you and show you off on my Instagram?" Mitch winked, and for a moment they were back to where they were only a week before, casually flirting but nothing more.

"You don't have to do anything now but of course you can do whatever you'd like."

"I'll write My Angle again."

"Alright." They both laughed and everything seemed perfectly fine. And it really was. It was just Mitch's mind driving him insane. He wondered if Scott felt the same way.

Once Scott's car was parked in the driveway, they both got out and all the tension that was gone in the car was now back between them. They didn't talk, Scott wordlessly got Mitch's baggage out of the trunk and handed it to him. And the first words that he spoke were the most anxiety-inducing ones Mitch could've thought of.

"We need to talk."

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