Private Getaway

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long, there's a lot happening in my life right now. I hope I can get back into writing more in the next few weeks though!
This is a little bit of a filler chapter, it's still important to the plot but it's a little more lighthearted and less drama. Enjoy! Hope you like it! Let me know what you think by voting and commenting  🤗

Scott stared at his phone for a few moments before he finally decided to leave a voice message for Max.

"Hey, sorry but I'm spending the night at Luke's. You have work early tomorrow, so we won't see each other until late at night. I'm busy, so... yeah. Don't call me."

Mitch huffed. If that was a relationship, he didn't want one. But he knew Scott hated him, and that was enough for now. It surely wasn't ideal, but it was something. Scott looked at him with raised eyebrows.


"Nothing." Mitch shook his head. "I'm... glad you're not all lovey-dovey with him."

"Oh." Scott laughed. "He knows I fucking hate his guts. He won't question it."

He called Luke to tell him he was his alibi in case Max asked, and when he hung up his attention was all on Mitch.

"Okay. God..." He said, unfastening his belt and slightly grazing Mitch's face with his fingertips.

"Where... Do you wanna go?" Mitch tried not to get too affected, but his cheeks were already heating up.

"Oh, we're here." Scott nodded towards the building. "One night. Just us. If... If you want, that is."

Mitch's eyes widened. "The Ritz-Carlton hotel? Are you completely insane?! Do you even know what a night costs?"

"I... I don't, but we'll find out. Come on."

Scott got out of the car and while Mitch still tried to comprehend what the hell Scott was on he got to the passenger side and opened his door to help him out.

"Don't you dare spend thousands on me, Hoying," Mitch warned. "I won't accept that."

Scott sighed. "It's... a getaway. We could've gone to Hawaii, but... I didn't want to rush it."

"What are you even talking about?" Mitch frowned, but finally scrambled out of the car.

"Well." Scott scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I just want to have some time with you, alone. Just to figure out where we stand. I wanna go back to normality with you, Mitchy, and we can't do that at home. Come on, it's just one night."

Mitch bit his lower lip but finally nodded. "Okay. Sure, one night." He looked around to really grasp the size of this hotel. "It looks so expensive I'm even scared to go it like this..." He gestured down to his thick blue jacket that he got at a winter blow out sale in New York about three years ago.

"You've never looked better, baby." Scott kissed his temple. "You ready?"

Mitch nodded more confidently this time and like a magnet, his hand found its way to Scott's and soon enough they were holding hands just like in old times, walking through the huge parking lot to the entrance.

Scott got a suite on the highest floor and while Mitch still didn't want to think about how much money he had just spent, he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. The difference to his own hotel room was astonishing. Not that he didn't expect it to be a lot fancier, which he surely did, this room was next level. There was a king-sized canopy bed on the right, with beautiful white silk sheets that smelled like roses, the living room area expanded on the right with a big, soft looking gray couch and an at least 120 inch TV. But what caught Mitch's attention the most wasn't any of that. It was the round, huge, white marble bathtub in the middle of the room. For a moment Mitch wondered why it wasn't in the bathroom when it hit him that this was a fancy hotel and he would probably never understand it. Still, he was intrigued and secretly hoped he would get to try it out somehow.

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