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Mitch almost hung up the phone after it only rang twice, like a middle school kid calling his first crush. He bit his lip, though - he had to act mature and face his worries. When it rang for the third time he was positive he wouldn't get an answer but that was the moment when the line went silent and an oh-so-familiar voice answered with a simple, "Hello?"

"Scott?" He wanted to say, but all that came out was a whisper. He cleared his throat. "Scott?"

He heard shuffling on the other end, he could almost picture him looking around the room to check if he was alone. "Mitchy! Oh my god, I missed you so much you have no idea."

"Uh... I missed you too," he admitted, totally taken aback by Scott's openness. "Are you alone?"

Again, shuffling. "I... better be. But yes, there's no one here." He stressed no one so Mitch knew he meant Max.

"I..." Mitch sighed. Why was he so nervous again? "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I... I'm in LA. Actually, I'm waiting down the street."

The first raindrop made its way down Mitch's cheek. Oh well. He pulled the hood of his jacket up over his head.

"What? You're... waiting in front of the house? It's raining!"

"I've... Noticed that." Through the phone, he heard the lock turn as Scott must've opened the door to check and the moment he stepped outside, Mitch could see him from behind the tree where he was hiding. He felt like a creep, but it was shielding him from the rain, and he wasn't going to stand in the middle of the road.

"I can't see you, but you can come in if you want. It's safe."

Mitch hesitated for a moment before he hung up and ran through the now pouring rain towards Scott's house. He couldn't help but notice how every other house still had their Christmas decorations up except for Scott's. It almost looked untenanted.

Scott captured Mitch in his arms, keeping him in a tight embrace for a few more seconds than necessary. He always did that, lingering for a second longer except now Mitch realized it could never be too long. He could stay in his arms for as long as possible, feeling Scott's warmth and his trademark scent of Gucci Guilty and Old Spice overwhelming his senses. And that was when he kissed him, and Mitch kissed back with all he had, without a single second of hesitation. He was finally home, he felt home in Scott's arms, kissing him on the doorstep of the house that they used to share.

"Fuck..." Scott whispered before he went in for another kiss. "I'm risking so much right now, but fuck..." Another longing kiss. "I can't resist you."

"I missed you, Scotty," Mitch whispered in between kisses, clutching onto him as if he was scared someone might tear them apart. And someone might. But Mitch didn't want to think of that right now.

"God, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." Scott hugged him again, resting his head on top of his. "I love you so much, Mitchy. So, so much."

"I love you, too."

It was the first time Mitch said it, and it felt relieving like he'd wanted to say it this entire time but something kept him from doing so. But he also kept in mind that he had to be careful.

"Come on, let's go inside."

Mitch immediately noticed the now bottle rack in the living room that had always been full with expensive wines - even though Scott had told him he'd taken care of his drinking problem, Mitch immediately considered Scott might've drunk it all. He pointed at the wooden rack.

"You... Got rid of the bottles."

"Oh... Yeah. I gifted them to friends for Christmas. I... don't drink anymore."

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