Mx. Hoying

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Mitch didn't know what to do with himself. He couldn't sleep even though he was exhausted, couldn't go out as it was the middle of the night, he couldn't laugh, he couldn't cry, he was just... numb. His stomach was tied up in a knot, making him borderline nauseous but that was his anxiety, so he popped in one of his pills and sat down at the round table in the corner of his hotel room.

He hadn't done this in a while. To daytime Mitch, this idea probably seemed terrible and he felt like he knew better, but nighttime, sleep-deprived Mitch gave significantly fewer fucks, so he grabbed his phone and opened up Instagram.

When he was still living his fangirl life in New York, he did this every week, and twenty people watching him didn't seem so scary, but now, after months of absence causing several very true rumors, he probably had the entire fandom watch his every move. But just as it has always been, this place was his escape, so in moments like these, he just needed to go back and do what he knew best - sing.

He had no plan. He didn't even know what song to sing when he pressed the live stream button, but he knew he wanted to sing something. And as soon as the first person showed up, he started singing.

Somebody said you got a new friend
Does he love you better than I can?
There's a big black sky over my town
I know where you're at, I bet he's around
And yeah, I know it's stupid
But I just gotta see it for myself
I'm in the corner, watching you kiss him, oh oh oh
I'm right over here, why can't you see me, oh oh oh
And I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh
I keep dancing on my own

He paused. What in the world was he doing? It was what he used to do, what comforted him, but he wasn't that person anymore. He still loved music, but he couldn't just sing at 4 am on an Instagram fan account.

He never said anything, nor did he show his face, so he kept that up. Instead, he started scrolling through the comments. Holy shit, over a thousand people. Chills ran down his spine when he tried to imagine standing in front of a crowd so big and singing in the dark with no background music. God no - he didn't want to imagine that.

Wow so good you're so talented!
Chills, literal chills
how are you so goOOD
M this is amazing!
I missed your singing live streams

He scrolled back to the newest ones, a small smile on his face. Hey, maybe this wasn't too bad. He was just about to start another song when he spotted another comment and his heart stopped.


Next one.


Oh no. OH NO. ABORT.

His finger hovered over the end button but his curiosity got ahead of him and he cautiously scrolled up to see if he wrote anything. And there it was. The end of him.

scotthoying: i love your voice

Mitch quickly shook his head and turned off the live stream. Oh my god. How could he be so stupid? Scott was following him! How could he possibly forget about that? And just from how he'd worded his comment, Mitch knew that Scott knew. And as if the universe wanted to confirm that, his phone lit up with a message from none other than Scott Richard Hoying.

Scott: Why did you end your live stream? You were so good

Mitch bit his lip, contemplating possible answers but finding none. He shook his head once again, leaving him on read. Scott was mad and he had every right to. Mitch had lied to him from the beginning, claiming to be a casual fan who'd enjoy his music occasionally, perfectly suited for the job of a so-called assistant, totally not a thirsty fan. Awesome. You fucked up, Mx. Hoying.

Should he pretend not to know what he was talking about? But that didn't explain why he was awake at four in the morning. Finally, he decided to just give it a go, his sleeplessness obviously hindering him from thinking it over.

Mitch: What do you mean? What live stream?

Scott: The one just now. You were singing. You stopped it right after I commented.

Shit. Should he just give in? Scott knew anyways. But admitting to owning a whole fan account was a whole different thing to deal with.

Hesitantly, he started typing.

Mitch: yeah, I... I don't know.

Scott: Mitchy?

Mitch bit his lip. This was it. His palms were sweating and his fingers were starting to tremble.

Scott: Would you maybe consider a feature on my album? I know it sounds stupid, but I really love your voice and just... it would mean the world for me to have you on the album.


Mitch frowned. Did he read the lines correctly? Was Scott asking him to... actually be on the album? Sing songs? Record? And publish? Mitch?

Mitch: oh, um... wow, i don't know what to say.


Mitch: I mean, I'm flattered, honestly, I didn't even know you liked my voice.

Aren't you gonna mention the part where you found out I own a fan account?

Scott: I know you don't like having all eyes on you, but I promise you it's going to be amazing.

Mitch: Scotty you said you were maybe going to collab with Brendon but not with me. I don't want to ruin your perfectly fine record.

Scott: Don't talk like that, you're going to make it so much better, trust me. But you can think about it. I already have a few songs recorded but I have to record the rest in three days. I have three songs left.

Mitch: Which ones?

Mitch could almost feel Scott sigh. He never wanted to tell anybody about his projects, but you couldn't blame Mitch for being curious.

Scott: They're called Keep Me Coming, Deny U, and Future Friends. I'd love you to be on Future Friends. It's the last song from the album and the title song. I started writing it while you were gone, and... I finished it. It's my favorite of all the ones I've ever done.

Mitch started typing. He wanted to do it, he just didn't know if he could. But he found himself staring at the word okay on his screen anyways, before finally deleting it again. It was almost 5 now, he should wait and actually think about it.

Mitch: I'll tell you tomorrow, Scotty. I'm sorry, I just don't think I'm great at making decisions in the middle of the night. But thank you.

Scott: That's fine. Good night, Mitchy. I love you x

Mitch: I love you too x

Scott: My everything

Mitch smiled, feeling his cheeks heat up as if he was talking to his first crush in middle school.

Mitch: Stop it, love u xx

He put his phone away, deciding to finally get some much-needed sleep. He still didn't know if he should feel anxious about this whole situation. Was Scott still going to confront him about his account? Was he going to do justice to Scott's song? Screw that, he could never. But still... He wanted to. But it was almost too good to be true.

He knew Scott would do anything to make him feel as comfortable as possible, and he knew he was professional enough not to give him a pass if his vocals really weren't up to his standards. He trusted him, as a musician and as his boyfriend, to make the best out of it, and so for the first time in a while he actually fell asleep happy, not plagued by constant anxiety and heartache.

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