Night Chat

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Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

"Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned." Siwon whispered to himself as he sat alone in the same church pew he'd sat in countless times since he was a child. "I have had unnatural thoughts for my fellow man. Please, cleanse me of these demons I bear in my heart."

Confessions to the Lord had become a weekly ritual for Choi Siwon, one of the church's most loyal and giving members. Though, his family was devout and his mind knew what the teachings said, Siwon was conflicted with his desires and constantly battling with morality. Not even the solace of the church could calm his turbulent mind, nor the company of any woman; for his body did not heed to the teachings of the good book nor the warmth of a woman's breast.

"I beg for you to take these feelings from me, Dear Lord." Siwon continued to pray, his voice going lower as the priest walked passed him with a knowing glance.

It had been many months since Siwon had gone to true confession with the leader of the church. No matter how many times he told Father Cho of his sins and received forgiveness, he never felt truly forgiven. He could hear the judgment in the old priest's voice as they conversed and see the condemnation in his eyes. No man could know of what his mind held, not even a man of the church. This burden was his to bear alone.

Rising from the pew, Siwon made a cross over his heart and stepped out into the aisle. The day had just begun and he had work to do. More confessions could wait until Saturday or Sunday before mass. Today was only Monday and Siwon had not the time to be spending it in a church pew. Work called for his every attention and it could not be helped.

The only thing Choi Siwon regretted about his job was the amount of temptation that surrounded him daily. Running a booking agency for actors and models wasn't ideal work for a devout man such as himself, but his life had taken a turn into the industry when he was at a young age and used to model himself. His mother saw no issue in using her three year old son to gain a few bucks through adds and commercials, a fact his father had disagreed with greatly, but didn't have the nerve to object to. Siwon was grateful to his mother for pushing him into things he wouldn't have experienced otherwise and also resentful of the fact. There were many things in the entertainment world that challenged his morality and confused his mind everyday.

"You have two interviews with potential clients before lunch and your mother called three times already." Siwon's secretary, Kim Kibum, informed him as he stepped inside his office already two hours late for work. "Are you alright, Mr. Choi?"

"I'm fine," Siwon dismissed his rather attractive assistant as his eyes moved from the younger man's bright smile to the way his muscles pressed against his white dress shirt. "I was just a bit sick this morning. Send it the interviewees whenever they arrives."

"Yes, Sir." Kibum bowed before exiting the small office space and shutting the door behind him.

If it wasn't for his talent in sorting papers and making the perfect cup of coffee, Siwon would have fired his assistant months ago. Kibum was a constant challenge on his morals. The young man was well built and had a smile that could capture the world. Not to mention, he was friendly and well mannered towards his boss. Though, Siwon found Kibum physically attractive and pleasant to be around, he had never gone as far as to act on these feelings. Kibum was a male and thus off limits to him. His focus was better suited on the female members of his staff, even if they were few in number and not as appealing as the males.

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