He Loves You

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John 9:30 The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvelous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and [yet] he hath opened mine eyes.

"Dear Lord give me strength," The words poured from his mouth without thought or meaning. "Forgive the sin I am about to commit. Forgive me for what I must do. Though, I have no right to ask for your help or pray to you, please do not forsake me? What am I saying..., Now's not the time to find religion."

Heechul let out a frustrated sound as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Praying was his last resort. Siwon's faith had gotten to him. Even though the devout man was tortured by his religion at times, he also found solace and answers in his God. Why not try to find answers himself, even if he didn't really believe there was a God to pray to?

"Dear Shisus, please forgive me?" Heechul rephrased his prayer, instead addressing his words to the man he was sacrificing himself for. "I hope you can understand and know that I'm doing this for us both. My pride isn't worth taking us both down. Forgive my sin."

Running a brush through his dark hair, Heechul studied his reflection in the mirror. He looked perfect to the casual observer. His hair was shiny and slightly waved. His eyes were covered in dark make-up, making them pop and his skin was smooth and flawless. But, if you looked closely, you could seen the nervousness of his stance and the apprehension in his gaze.

Tightening the belt on the red, silk, knee length robe, Heechul turned from the mirror and crossed the spacious bathroom towards the door. With a deep intake of breath, Heechul stepped out of the white marbled covered bathroom and into the bedroom beyond it. A tall, thin, man stood across the master bedroom with his back to Heechul. He was dressed in a pair of black, silk, pajama pants and was pouring champagne into a set of glasses on the bedside table. His upper body was uncovered and the dark tattoos that covered it were a stark contrast to his pale skin. Heechul cleared his throat to gain to man's attention.

"You look perfect," Miyavi smiled as he turned towards him. "I'm glad you decided to see things my way, Heechul-ah."

"Don't speak to me in such an intimate way. We're not friends." Heechul frowned.

"We're about to be a lot closer than friends," Miyavi smirked, "Come here."

"If you're going to order me around the entire time, this will not be pleasant for either of us. I may have agreed to be here, but I did not agree to cooperate easily."

"I can still press charges if I don't like your performance. This is your game to lose, Kim Heechul." Miyavi warned, "Comer closer."

Clenching his fists at his sides, Heechul crossed the soft white carpet to where Miyavi stood next to his large, white silk covered, king sized bed. Miyavi watched his approach with predator like eyes. His dark gaze was piercing and it made Heechul nervous. This was not an easy decision for him to make, but there was not turning now and there was no regretting. Stopping in front of Miyavi, Heechul held his breath and the thin Japanese man undid his robe and pushed it off his shoulders.

A shiver ran up Heechul's spine as his robe pooled on the carpet around his feet and he was left naked before the man in front of him. Heechul shut his eyes and stood still as a pair of thin hands ran down his body, studying every detail of his exposed flesh. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides and his emotions became numb. This man, while attractive, wasn't the man Heechul wanted. These hands weren't the ones he wanted caressing him. The lips suddenly on his own weren't the lips he longed for.

"Siwon-ah, forgive me." Heechul whispered as his back hit the mattress.

"What are you whispering," Miyavi asked, forcing Heechul's legs apart and settling himself between them.

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