I Think I Like You

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Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other,

"Oh yeah, baby..., that's how I like it." Heechul purred into his headset as he moved about the kitchen. "Touch me right there."

"Do you have to do that while we eat," Siwon grumbled at the kitchen table, his eyes following his roommate as the older attempted to make a batch of ramen for their dinner.

Heechul was wearing a loose fitting pair of black sweat pants and a white t-shirt with a low dipping neckline. His long, black, hair hung wavy about his shoulders and was a bit unkempt. This framed, black, glasses sat on his face and he wasn't wearing a stitch of make-up. A pair of colorful character socks completed the casual outfit. The model seemed to be completely comfortable in front of Siwon, not bothering to put on airs. He moved about the kitchen as if he were home alone and didn't care who saw him.

"That will be 30,000 won. Do you accept the charges? Goodnight, sir." Heechul stated before clicking off his headset and turning his attention to the boiling noodles on the stove. "I'm sorry, but I have to keep working since I was only paid half my fee from Mr. Miyavi. I'm still not making enough to lose this job."

"About the fee Mr. Miyavi paid you," Siwon began, sounding nervous. "You didn't spend any of it yet, did you?"

"Why?" Heechul quirked an eyebrow as he turned away from the stove. "Was I not supposed to?"

"The contract you signed with him was for a full set of shoots. You only completed half of one. If you don't pay the fee back, technically he can demand that you finish the sessions."

"But, I used it to pay my phone bill and my credit card bill. The rest went to my insurance premium and gas for my car. It's gone."

"That's a problem," Siwon frowned, "We signed a legal contract with him. You have to fulfill it, if he decides that he still wants to shoot you."

"I have to pose for that pervert again?" Heechul gaped, "Now way, I'm not doing it."

"You may not have to, but it's a possibility. If it comes to that, Leeteuk hyung, Kibum and I will come with you to the shoots You won't be left alone with him, I promise."

"I guess he'll have to behave with three good looking guys protecting me," Heechul smirked, "It won't be so bad."

"Are you sure you don't want to report what happened?"

"Yes," Heechul nodded as he turned back to the stove and cut the heat off. "I'll lose more than I'll gain out of it. Nothing too serious happened. He didn't touch anything inappropriate before I punched him. I'm not traumatized, so it's not a big deal."

"I guess...," Siwon began as Heechul served the noodles and took a seat at the table just before his headset began ringing.

"Welcome to Night Chat. This is Heechul. How may I please you this evening?" Heechul greeted his caller. "Hannie!"

"Hannie?" Siwon repeated, "Is that your old roommate?"

"Why are you calling this line?" Heechul hissed into his headset. "Of course I didn't return your calls. You left me, remember? Yes, I lost the apartment. What did you think would happen?"

Siwon listened carefully to Heechul's side of the conversation. It was the first time the older had spoke to his former roommate since the split and it sounded as if things were tense between them

"No, I'm not homeless. Shisus took me in." Heechul boasted, "Yes, that's right, that Shisus. No, he's not a psycho killer. Hannie! I can't believe you just asked me that? Of course not!"

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