More Than Friends

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    When Heechul limped through the front door the next morning, Siwon was waiting for him. The devout man sat upon the sofa in his pajama's, his eyes focused at the floor and thick brows scrunched in deep thought. Heechul contemplated on whether to tiptoe around the younger and head for the shower he desperately craved, or let his presence be known. His choice was made for him when Siwon lifted his gaze and spoke.

"You slept with him, didn't you?" Siwon asked is a low voice that made Heechul nervous.

"With who?" Heechul tried to play dumb as he clutched the door frame for support. His long night with Miyavi had left him quite sore and very exhausted. All he wanted right now was a shower and sleep.

"You know who,"

"Just because I spent the night at Hannie's, doesn't mean...,"

"HanGeng called last night. I know you weren't with him," Siwon interrupted as he took in Heechul's appearance.

The model's hair was tangled and matted. His clothes were the same as the day before's and they were wrinkled and dirty. He had dark circles under his blood shot eyes and he was obviously in pain.

"You slept with Mr. Miyavi, didn't you?"

"I saw no other choice," Heechul admitted, "He was going to ruin me. What was one night of shame compared to prison?"

"You didn't trust me to fix things, did you? I had it under control." Siwon stated, his voice rising in volume. "Instead, you whore yourself to that pervert!"

"Siwon-ah!" Heechul scolded, "I will not be called a whore. I did what I had to. That is all."

"How could you let that horrible man touch you?" Siwon asked as he rose from the sofa and approached Heechul. "How could you let someone do those things with you, if you don't care about them. Sex is an act of love, not a means to a solution. I can't believe you whored your own body to...,"

Siwon's words were cut off by a harsh slap across the face. Heechul glared at him with hurt filled eyes. Siwon had crossed the line with accusing him of being the Whore of Babylon, in general terms and it burned deep inside Heechul's heart.

"Do not talk to me like I'm some piece of trash. I will not stand here and be screamed at." Heechul stated in a low voice. "You have no idea the shit I just went through and it wasn't to save my own ass. Mr. Miyavi's threats didn't scare me. I knew I could get through it, but I was worried about you."


"If I was arrested and went through a trial, it would tarnish the company. Ms. Jung would fire you." Heechul explained, "You would be on the street and it would be my fault. That was something I couldn't live with. So, yes I slept with Miyavi. I slept with him four times, if you want details. I'm not ashamed of what I did, because I did it for the right reasons."

"Heechul..," Siwon whispered as he witnessed hot tears running down Heechul's cheeks. "Why would you do this for me? Why was saving me so important?"

"Because..,I...," Heechul stammered, not sure how to explain himself. "I need a shower!"

Siwon stepped aside and allowed Heechul to push passed him and limp towards the hallway. Everything he'd just heard made the pain in his heart heavier and guilt to settle in. Heechul had sacrificed himself to save him. He'd let Mr. Miyavi get his way, despite his pride, to help Siwon. Maybe HanGeng had been right when he'd told him Heechul was in love with him. There was no other explanation for why he'd done what he had. A person didn't sacrifice themselves for people they liked. They did it for people they loved.

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