Closer to Temptation

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Ezekiel 28:17 - Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor

Siwon felt as if his heart was about to beat out of his chest as he stood next to the front window of his private office. The blinds were parted just enough to allow him to peak out into the exterior office where Kibum and the other assistants sat at their desks and clients and prospective clients waited to see their agents. It was almost time for model number ten's interview and despite being afraid of meeting the gorgeous man in person, Siwon was dying to get a glimpse of him through the blinds. A part of him wondered if the man in the photographs was just as striking in real life, or was it all Photoshop?

The waiting area directly across from his office was mostly full of female models and a couple current male clients Siwon wasn't particularly interested in. He could see Sooyoung seated next to Yoona. They were chatting together and laughing, but the distance and window between them prevented Siwon from hearing their voices. Waiting was making Siwon tense and it didn't help that he never got to ask Heechul about a strategy for today. No, instead he'd gotten a ear full of noises he rather not repeat. Siwon was still hurt deeply over last night's call and wasn't sure if he would speak to his savior anytime soon.

Movement in the outer office pulled Siwon away from his thoughts as the doors near reception opened and a distinctly male figure stepped inside. Siwon held his breath as he stared through the blinds at Model #10. The young male was just as breath taking in reality as he was in his photographs. He had long, dark, hair, that was pulled up in a messy buns, the loose stands hanging down and framing his face. His build was slender, but not too delicate and he was wearing a grey sweater that hung off one shoulder and provided a glimpse of milky skin. His huge cat-like eyes were lined in a thick black liner that flared out at the side and accented their unique shape. But, what captured Siwon the most, was the man's beautiful smile as he greeted the receptionist.

"Dear Lord, give me strength." Siwon whispered as Leeteuk emerged from his office and crossed the floor to meet Model #10.

Number ten bowed politely to Leeteuk and spoke a few words that made the Modeling executive laugh. Siwon wished he could hear the gorgeous man's voice. Did it match his outer appearance? Did he sound as perfect as Heechul did?

"Hyung, why are you hiding in your office with the lights off?" Kibum's voice sounded, causing Siwon to jump and turn away from the window.

"I have a headache," Siwon lied, "I think I may go home early."

"Again?" Kibum frowned from the doorway. "Hyung, are you sure you don't want me to make you a doctor's appointment?"

"No, I just need to rest." Siwon answered as he gathered his things off his desk and pushed passed Kibum into the outer office. "E-mail me the results of Leeteuk hyung's interview later, ok?"

"Alright," Kibum nodded, "Drive safely..,"

Spinning around in his pursuit to leave the office as quickly as possible, Siwon blindly slammed into someone with such force it knocked them off their feet. Surprised by the sudden impact and ready to apologize, Siwon looked down at the floor to find the last person he wanted to run into staring up at him. Model #10 was half lying and half sitting on the tile floor. His eyes were looking directly at Siwon and his expression was a cross between a smirk and surprise.

"Mr. Kim, are you ok?" Leeteuk panicked as he knelt down to help the model off the floor.

Number ten nodded in response to Leeteuk's questioned and allowed the older to help him up. Siwon didn't know how to react. Should he apologize? Could he even speak to this man without sounding like a babbling idiot?

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