Test Shoot

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Blessed is the man that endures temptation

The familiar stained glass of the cathedral windows was like a multicolored cure as Siwon sat in his favorite pew with his head held low. Last night had confused and terrified him more and the guilt was heavy on his mind. He should have pushed Heechul away. He should have said no, but instead he'd let the older tempt him. What also weighed on Siwon's mind was the hurt look in Heechul's eyes afterwards. Why had the model looked so upset? It was all too confusing and there was no one to go to for answers this time. His faith provided no insight into men's minds and asking Heechul would be too awkward.

Rising from the pew, Siwon made a cross over his heart and stepped out into the aisle. It was almost noon and he was late for Heechul's test shoot. Fearing things being awkward between them, Siwon had left the apartment before Heechul woke. He made sure to tape Heechul's schedule where he'd find it and leave directions to the photo studio. Surely, the older could make it there on his own.

"Hyung, you're late." Kibum whispered as Siwon stepped inside the company's busy photo studio. "We already started shooting."

"So, Heechul made it here alright?" Siwon asked, glancing across the crowded room to the white backdrop.

"Yes, he's been here for over an hour. We're on our second outfit." Kibum explained, escorting Siwon through the many different stylists, make-up artists and hair dressers. "He's amazing. Leeteuk hyung really made a perfect choice."

Siwon stopped just behind the photographer and watched Heechul a few feet away standing in the center of the white backdrop. He was wearing a pair of tight, black pants, a black jacket, long, silver necklace and thin, white t-shirt. The material of the white shirt was almost see-through in the bright studio lights, instantly making Siwon uncomfortable. Heechul's hair was styled long and messy about his face and he had his eyes cast towards the ceiling as an assistant applied more liner under his eyes. Fortunately, he didn't notice Siwon staring at him.

"Ok, let's start again." the middle aged photographer announced as the assistant stepped out of frame and Heechul pulled his focus back towards the camera. "Give me a confident sex appeal."

"Yes, sir." Heechul bowed politely before melding back into posing.

With his eyes glued on Heechul, Siwon watched as the older slowly struck different angles and poses with his body. Heechul's eyes were smoldering as he teased the camera and plunged his hands in his hair to add a different element. Each movement the confident model made, caused Siwon's pulse to hammer and nerves to increase. Heechul looked just as gorgeous taking photos as he did in the actual photographs.

"Let's try it without the t-shirt. Potential clients will want to know what your body looks like." the photographer suggested, causing Siwon to bite his lower lip.

Siwon hadn't seen much of Heechul's body in person. Last night, the older had kept his robe in place and not let much skin be exposed, despite the intimacy of what they'd done. Sure, he'd seen Heechul practically naked in his portfolio photos, but that wasn't the same as the real thing. Siwon silently watched as the stylists helped Heechul out of his jacket and t-shirt and draped a few clunky necklaces around his neck.

"Perfect," the photographer complimented, "Ok, try the same expressions as before, but a bit more over the top. Pretend you want to make love to the camera."

"I'll try," Heechul answered with another polite bow.

Lacing his fingers in the jewelry about his neck, Heechul bit his lower lip and peered through his messy bangs, as if he were looking at a lover. Siwon swallowed nervously behind the camera, unable to look away. Placing one of the necklaces between his teeth, Heechul brushed his hair out of his eyes and struck an angular pose. He really did know how to work the camera.

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