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     When Heechul opened his eyes the next morning, Siwon was gone. He'd hoped to of awoken in the devout man's arms. Waking to an empty bed after what happened between them the night before, made Heechul nervous. Did Siwon get scared again? Had he run off to church to pray for his soul? These thoughts saddened Heechul. He didn't like being thought of as a sin.

Slipping out of bed, Heechul shuffled out of Siwon's room and across the hallway into the bathroom. After relieving his full bladder, Heechul glanced in the mirror at his morning appearance. His eyes were red and blood shot and his hair stuck out in different directions. His face was pale and there were bags under his eyes. Remembering he was still wearing his contacts from the day before, Heechul flushed his eyes out with saline and carefully removed them. His eyes, which had been dry and burning, instantly felt better. Lifting his glasses off the vanity, Heechul placed them on his face and left the room without bothering to brush his teeth or hair. He was home alone, so there was no point in caring what he looked like.

"Good morning, Heechul-ah." Siwon's voice greeted, surprising Heechul as he stepped into the brightly lit kitchen.

Siwon was seated at the kitchen table dressed in his work clothes. He was reading an English newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee. The devout man looked cheerful and in a very good mood.

"I thought you'd left," Heechul stated, running his hands through his hair in an attempt at de-tangling it.

"No, I got up early and bought breakfast. There's muffins and coffee on the counter." Siwon informed, pointed to the food next to the fridge. "I would have cooked something, but I'm not very good at it."

"It's alright, I like blueberry muffins." Heechul reassured, moving to the counter and picking up a foam coffee cup.

"The coffee's black, but there's sugar and cream on the table." Siwon informed, "Hurry and eat. You'll need a shower before we leave for work."

"Work?" Heechul repeated with raise brows. "I don't remember booking any shoots or interviews for today."

"I got a call from W Magazine. One of the model's they booked for a fashion spread got sick. They need a replacement fast and they loved the portfolio I sent over. So, you have a shoot in three hours."

"W magazine!" Heechul choked on the muffin he was eating, spitting it onto the floor. "That's a major publication. I've never done a shoot that high profile."

"Do you think you can handle this?"

"Of course I can," Heechul answered, trying to sound confident.

"You'll do great," Siwon smiled as he rose from the table and moved to stand in front of Heechul. "I'll be there for encouragement."

"Don't," Heechul turned his head as Siwon leaned in for a kiss.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet." Heechul mumbled, causing Siwon to laugh. "Don't laugh. I thought you'd run off to pray somewhere and I was home alone."

"I did pray this morning, but I did it while holding you in my arms. There was no need to go to church. God can hear me anywhere I am."

"That's kind of creepy," Heechul teased, "Was God watching last night when we were...,"

"Please, don't say it. You're making me uncomfortable." Siwon interrupted, stepping back to his chair.

"You shouldn't be uncomfortable about it," Heechul reasoned, "What we did wasn't wrong, so why fear it?"

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