No Matter What

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    "The contract you signed entitles me to a re-shoot, plus a full set of shoots for my other art pieces," Mr. Miyavi reminded as he sat in front of Siwon's desk, sporting a very painful looking black eye.

"Why would I pose for you again, pervert?" Heechul scowled from where he was standing behind Siwon, who was seated at his desk in front of him.

"Because if you don't, I'll sue the company for damages after I send you to jail." Miyavi answered in his Japanese accent. Being half Korean, the artist was fluent in the language, but still carried the pronunciation of his home country.

"You're the one that should be in jail." Heechul stomped, "What if I decide to press charges on you?"

"I have physical evidence that you attacked me," Miyavi replied, pointing to his eye. "You have no evidence."

"Anyone could have hit you. Why would they believe I did it?"

"I have a witness," Miyavi supplied, "My assistant Takeru is willing to testify that he saw you attack me."

"He was in a different room!"

"So, you admit you hit me?"

"This is ridiculous!" Heechul shrieked, trying to hold himself in check and not lunge across the desk.

"I agree that Heechul should finish what was stipulated in the contract," Siwon reasoned, "Law binds us to that. What I don't understand is your intent on pressing charges on him. Heechul did nothing wrong. You attacked him."

"Is that what he told you?" Miyavi chuckled, "He's a good liar."

"I didn't lie!"

"Heechul, calm down. I'm handling this." Siwon shushed his client, before turning his attention back to the tall, thin, tattooed man before him. "If you insist on the police becoming involved, Heechul's career as well as this agencies reputation will suffer. If your intent is to cause damage to me and my client...,"

"I only intend on getting what I want," Miyavi interrupted.

"And, what is it that you want?"

"Right now, I wish to speak with Heechul alone."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Siwon frowned, "After what happened before...,

"You can stand just outside the door, if you want. I'm not going to touch him. I just need to speak with him in private."

"It's alright, Siwon-ah. I'll scream if he tries anything." Heechul reassured, seeing no way around this without hearing what the pervert artist had to say.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go..," Heechul ordered as Siwon stood and rounded his desk.

"I'll be listening," Siwon warned, stepping out into the main office and shutting the door behind him.

Once Siwon had left the room, Mr. Miyavi stood from his chair and ran his fingers through his shoulder length, brown hair. Despite the height difference and the fact he was part Japanese, Miyavi shared many features in common with Heechul. His eyes were large, like Heechul's, and his facial structure was similar. He even had a hairstyle that closely resembled the younger model's. But, unlike Heechul, who had to keep his body a pure canvas, Miyavi's thin frame was decorated with dozens of dark tattoos in various languages, most of which Heechul couldn't read.

"He's gone, so talk." Heechul demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You do know that if I go through with the charges you will be out of work permanently and that agent of yours will most likely be fired. Ms. Jung runs a clean company and she won't stand for one of her representatives to be promoting a criminal."

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