Not a Sin

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1 Peter 4:8 - Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

"Don't look at me like I'm some monster that's going to devour you," Heechul laughed softly, "I'm not going to force you into anything. Just come sit with me and we'll have a few drinks. Maybe share a few kisses and work on getting to know each other's bodies better. We don't have to go all the way tonight, but I'm willing when you're ready."

"Alright," Siwon answered hesitantly.

Even though he was nervous and uneasy about the situation, there was no way he was walking away. The vulnerable look in Heechul's eyes was one he'd never seen from the beautiful man before. If he left, everything they'd went through and all the progress they'd made would be for nothing. Heechul would never forgive him if he walked away. Slowly removing his dress shirt, slacks and socks, Siwon made his way over to the bed. If Heechul was naked, it didn't feel right wearing so much clothing.

"Open the champagne," Heechul smiled, once he was sure his date wasn't going to run screaming from the room.

"You ordered cake?" Siwon chuckled as he removed the champagne bottle from the bucket and noticed an array of deserts laid out next to it.

"I said we were going to have drinks and desert," Heechul answered, as if it were obvious.

"I thought desert was a metaphor for something."

"Pervert," Heechul teased, "Cut a piece of cake. I need something sweet."

After popping the cork on the champagne, Siwon poured two glasses and cut a piece of chocolate cake for his date. Settling down next to Heechul in the bed, Siwon handed him the cake plate and a glass.

"Let's make a toast," Heechul suggested, holding up his glass. "To...,hmmm...,"

"Us," Siwon supplied.

"Us what?"

"Our new relationship," Siwon shrugged.

"How about you admitting we're in a relationship?" Heechul teased, "Let's toast to your love for me."

Clicking their glasses together, Siwon and Heechul took a sip of their champagne before sharing a gentle kiss. Heechul hoped the alcohol would loosen Siwon up a bit, but not get him drunk. He wanted his date to remember this night. Setting his glass on the night stand, Heechul cut a bite of cake with his fork and held it up to Siwon's lips.

"Say Aw!" Heechul commanded.

Finishing off most of his alcohol, Siwon discarded his glass and took the bite of cake offered to him. Something about being fed by his date was very intimate and it caused Siwon's heart to hammer quickly. Heechul continued to feed him bites of cake, taking a few for himself, until the rich desert was consumed. Discarding the cake plate, Heechul scooted closer to Siwon and placed his hands on either side of the devout man's face. He then leaned in and captured Siwon's lips in a deep kiss that tasted of chocolate icing.

Siwon's hesitations seemed to melt away the longer the kiss lasted. His hands found their ways to Heechul's bare back. They slid down the beautiful man's smooth skin and disappeared beneath the sheets to grope his backside. This bold move surprised Heechul, but he didn't let it show. Siwon was taking initiatives and that was fine with him. As the kiss broke, Siwon made another bold move. Before Heechul had time to react, he was on his back and Siwon was hovering over him. Their lips then met once more and Heechul wrapped his arms around Siwon's bare shoulders.

"Touch me, Siwon-ah." Heechul whispered, his hands traveling down Siwon's back to squeeze the devout man's firm, cloth covered, backside. "Pull the sheets away and touch me."

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