Is This a Sin?

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     "I don't think you can ever go back to church," Heechul teased as he lay in Siwon's king sized bed, his eyes focused on the younger who lay facing him in the dimly lit room.

After being caught kissing by the priest, Siwon had turned cherry red and drug Heechul out of the cathedral without saying a word. The drive home had been awkward. Dinner was spent in front of the TV, both men's eyes glued to the screen and not a word spoken between them. Siwon went to bed shortly after dinner, leaving Heechul alone on the sofa. Needless to say, this didn't sit well with the model. After a couple hours of tossing and turning, Heechul had snuck down the hall and slipped into Siwon's large bed. Surprisingly, the devout man hadn't objected this action. Instead, he'd laced their hands together and started softt conversation.

"Father Cho isn't likely to forget what happened today," Siwon blushed, "I don't know what I was thinking."

"It was an amazing kiss, though. I think it was worth getting kicked out of church for."

"We weren't kicked out of church. I'll just have to spend a couple weeks in confession to be allowed back permanently."

"Ok, start confessing."

"That's not how it works. I can only confess to a priest."

"Why? He's not Jesus or God. Why not ask for forgiveness from the entities that matter? A priest is a man like us. He can't forgive sins." Heechul reasoned, "You know, if you believe in that kind of thing."

"Why do you always add that last part? You prayed today, Heechul. I think you're starting to believe."

"I didn't pray for real," Heechul denied, "I was mainly talking to you."

"Whatever you want to believe."

"Why is everyone questioning me today? First HanGeng and now you."

"You met with HanGeng today?"

"Yeah, he wanted to talk things out, but I just ended up yelling at him." Heechul admitted, "I feel bad about it. Hannie is always so good to me. I shouldn't have yelled at him."

"Why did you yell at him?"

"It doesn't matter," Heechul shook his head as he scooted a bit closer.

"What are you doing?" Siwon half panicked as Heechul pressed himself against the front of his body and brought their faces a breath apart.

"Calm down, Shisus. I just want a kiss."

"Alright," Siwon whispered, not seeing the harm in it. They'd practically made out in the middle of church today. What was a simple kiss in the safety of his own home compared to that?

Slowly wrapping his arms around Heechul's thin body, Siwon allowed the older to capture his lips in a slow and gentle kiss. Their kisses often started this way, slow and almost chaste in nature. But, unlike their other kisses, this one escalated much faster. Before Siwon knew what was happening, Heechul's tongue was in his mouth and a pair of long fingers were gripping his side. Unable to pull away from the intimate exchange, Siwon ran his hands down Heechul's t-shirt covered back and came to rest on his perfectly shaped backside.

Heechul squirmed against the front of Siwon's body, throwing his leg over the younger's hip and pressing their bodies even closer. This bold move caused the devout man to pause a moment and break the heated kiss. Having Heechul in his bed was frightening. His heart was hammering in his chest and the feel of Heechul pressed up against him was intoxicating. Heechul smiled at him in the dim light and started to push up the hem of his shirt.

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