Temptation of the Flesh

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Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

"Your apartment is really nice," Heechul commented as he dropped his suitcase in the center of the living room. "There's a really good view of the river."

"Thanks," Siwon answered as he teetered inside his apartment with an arm load of boxes from Heechul's car and a pet carrier. "You never mentioned you had a cat. My building doesn't allow pets."

"I'll be gone before they notice," Heechul dismissed, "Heebum-ah can't live in my car all by himself. He'll freeze to death."

"I guess so," Siwon frowned as he set the boxes on the floor and Heechul took the pet carrier from him.

"Welcome to your temporary home, Heebum-ah." Heechul greeted his fluffy gray cat as he removed it from its carrier and allowed it to run free. "Don't worry, he's a good cat. He won't scratch up your stuff."

"Ok, let me give you a tour." Siwon offered, trying to avoid any uncomfortable silence. "This is the living room and that's the kitchen."

"I can see that," Heechul teased, "I hope you don't expect me to cook, because I'm a terrible cook."

"Me too," Siwon shrugged, "I normally just order out or sometimes my Mother sends me things her maid cooked."

"Her maid?"

"Umma doesn't cook. She lets the staff do it."

"She has a staff?" Heechul questioned with raised brows, "Are you rich, Shisus?"

"My parents are; I'm not." Siwon shook his head, "Follow me."

Siwon crossed the living room and entered the short hallway that led to his bedroom and the only bathroom. Heechul followed closely behind, making Siwon a bit nervous.

"This is the bathroom and that door leads to my bedroom." Siwon explained as he stood inside the small bathroom and gestured across the hallway.

"OH, I want to see that!" Heechul beamed, turning and inviting himself into Siwon's bedroom with no remorse.

Siwon's heart skipped a beat as he watched Heechul storm into his room and flip the lights on. This was bad.

"Is this where you were laying when we had all those naughty phone calls?" Heechul questioned, hopping up onto Siwon's queen sized bed and leaning against the headboard with on leg crooked.

"Uhhh...," Siwon stammered as he entered the room and found Heechul lounging in his bed like a naughty cat. "Are you hungry? I'll go order something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry. We just ate dinner at the meeting, remember?" Heechul chuckled, "So, where am I going to sleep? There seems to be only one bed."

"The sofa pulls out and makes a bed," Siwon explained, "You can sleep there."

"Aww..., I wanted to sleep in here with you." Heechul pouted as he rose from the bed and slinked over to the dresser, where he began pulling open random drawers. "Where do you keep your condoms."

"I'm uncomfortable now...," Siwon swallowed, quickly turning and retreating from the room.

"I was just joking!" Heechul called out, "Shisus, don't run away. I'm sorry!"

"Can you call me Siwon from now on?" Siwon requested once he found himself back in the living room with Heechul.

"Fine," Heechul nodded, "And sorry for teasing you. I couldn't help it."

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