The Secret Game

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Luke 17:34 - I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

"I bought a bible today." Heechul informed, his confession through the receiver shocking Siwon and almost causing him to drop the glass of wine he was enjoying in his armchair.

"You what?"

"I went to this Christian bookstore downtown. The shop owner kept staring at me like I'd just committed a crime. Also, there were so many crosses in there I thought I might burst into flames."

"That's only for vampires," Siwon teased, some of Heechul's humor wearing off on him.

"I may be a vampire. I stay up all night for my job, sleep most of the day, and I've been told I never age." Heechul chuckled.

"Never age?"

"Yes, my beauty is eternal."

"So, you're beautiful?" Siwon asked, trying to get a picture of Heechul in his mind. He already knew Heechul was older than him and had shoulder length black hair.

"I've been told that, yes." Heechul answered, "Are you curious about what I look like, Shisus?"


"Describe yourself first," Heechul countered, "I want to know what kind of man I'm talking to."

"Well, I'm 27," Siwon began, unsure how to describe himself accurately, "I'm six feet tall."

"Oh, you're taller than me! I like tall men." Heechul cooed, "Do you work out? Are there muscles under those suites you wear to work? I like men with muscles. It gives me something firm to hold onto when...,"

"I get it," Siwon interrupted before Heechul could become too graphic. "Yes, I work out, but I'm not a giant weigh lifter type or anything."

"Do you have chocolate abs?"


"Never mind, " Heechul dismissed, almost sounding embarrassed. "Now, it's my turn. Let's see, I'm about 5'10ish, give or take an inch. I have dark hair and eyes. I don't work out at all. I'm naturally rather skinny, though I can get a bit soft in the middle if I don't watch what I eat. Hannie says I have girl legs, whatever that's supposed to mean. I guess it's because I look good in high heels."

"You wear high heels? Are you a transvestite?" Siwon asked, his mind coming up with crazy scenarios.

"No, nothing weird like that." Heechul chuckled, "I've worn heels for some avant-garde Photoshoots I've done. Also, few times in the bedroom, if you know what I mean."

"Oh," Siwon swallowed, a few sinful images floating through his mind as he took a sip of his wine. "So, uhh..., you bought a Bible today?"

"Right, I got distracted, sorry...," Heechul apologized, followed by the sound of running water.

"Is that water? Where are you?"

"I forgot to tell you what I'm wearing, didn't I?" Heechul chuckled, "I'm sitting in my bathtub with my hair in a ponytail and my headset on and the only thing covering my body in a thick layer of rose scented bubbles."

"Are you trying to be sexy again? You don't have to lie to me, remember?"

"I'm not lying," Heechul denied, "I'm taking a bubble bath. You took too long to call and I got bored, so I decided to take a bath. Plus, it makes me feel naughty when I talk on the phone in the bathroom."

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