I Like You

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Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned...,

"I don't know about this," Siwon began as he lounged against his headboard with his new Bluetooth earpiece in his left ear, so he could hear Heechul while he sorted through a stack of files from the office.

It has been two weeks since Siwon first called Night Chat and every night has been spent conversing with Heechul. Even though his mind told him not to, his heart won over and a phone always appeared in his hand. Speaking to Heechul each night until the sun rose was both addicting and incredibly tiring. Siwon often showed up for work late and not from attending church, like before. No, each morning it was harder and harder to climb out of bed after only a few hours sleep. But, to Siwon, it was worth the escape Heechul provided from his confusing life. Siwon was still trying to decide whether or not his sexuality was a sin or if he should turn his back on his body's urges and try and find that girlfriend Leeteuk kept trying to set him up with.

"Come on, Shisus..," Heechul whined in his ear. "It's been two weeks and all we ever talk about are your problems. I want to do something sexy for a change."

"No, I'm not ready for that kind of conversation." Siwon denied as he flipped open a file labeled number twenty-seven and assessed the model inside it.

The deadline for choosing a new client was crashing in on Siwon and he had to make a decision on who to interview tonight. If he was lucky, whoever he chose could come into the office by the end of the week and could have a contract in place by the deadline on Monday. The problem was, none of the profiles were even close to being as good as Model number ten's and Siwon still wasn't ready to be faced with his crush. The feelings were too new and he was afraid of what might happen.

"Please...," Heechul begged, "I'm bored."

"No, let's just talk like we normally do." Siwon denied, "How about I help you with a problem instead? Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Not really," Heechul answered, his voice hesitant. "Heenim doesn't have problems like mere mortals do."

"Very funny," Siwon chuckled as he scanned another file and took a few notes on what he thought of it. "There has to be something."

"Well...," Heechul hesitated, taking a deep breath before speaking. "I think my wife wants a divorce."

"Your what?" Siwon half panicked, "You have a wife?!"

"Hannie, my Chinese roommate." Heechul clarified with a chuckled, "Calm down, Shisus. I already told you I was gay. Why would I have a wife?"

"Sorry, continue."

"As I was saying," Heechul began, "I think Hannie wants to move out."


"He says I spend too much time on the phone and never pay attention to him."

"But, talking on the phone is your job. How can he be jealous of your job?"

"It's not my job he's jealous of." Heechul admitted, sounding nervous.

"Then, what is it?"

"Not a what, a who."

"Who, then?" Siwon questioned, setting the file he was looking at down and trying to focus on what Heechul was trying to say. He'd never heard the older's voice sound so unsure.

"Do you know what time my shift at Night Chat ends?"

"I assume 5 or 6am, since that's when we usually hang up."

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