What Have I Done?

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Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

"Hyung, are you ok?" Kibum asked his boss as they sat in a booth at restaurant a few blocks from the office. "You look like you're going to throw-up."

"I'm fine," Siwon reassured, glancing over at his assistant next to him and them across the table to the empty side of the booth.

They were meeting Leeteuk and their newest model for lunch to go over the final contracts and set up a date for taking new portfolio pictures through the agency. Siwon was about to be face to face with Model #10, whom he only knew by the name of Mr. Kim. There was no more avoiding his temptation. If he wanted to keep his job, Siwon had to work with this man. There was no way around it and no backing out.

"There you are," Leeteuk's bright voice greeted as he slid into the booth. "It will be a few moments. He had to stop by the restroom. Poor thing looks exhausted. Working third shift must be hard on him. Hopefully, we'll be able to get some steady bookings and he can quit. It's not good for his appearance, staying up all night."

"Do you think you made a mistake?" Siwon offered, "If his looks are deteriorating, maybe we should hire someone else?"

"There is no one else that looks quite like him and his looks are not deteriorating. He's just tired." Leeteuk dismissed, "It's nothing a few coats of make-up won't cure."

"We already ordered some drinks," Kibum explained as the waiter appeared and placed four glasses of white wine on the table. "I hope that's alright?"

"Perfect, I was about to suggest drinks." Leeteuk smiled his classic dimpled smile. "It will help break the ice. Siwon-ah, are you alright? You look sick."

"I'm fine," Siwon dismissed, his eyes darting up as someone approached their table.

Model #10, or Mr. Kim, came gliding across the busy restaurant. He was dressed in a thin black mesh top with a black tank beneath it, tight red pants and his hair was tied back with a red ribbon. He wore large, black, thick framed glasses and there was no make-up on his face. As he slid into the booth Siwon could tell he'd been crying. His eyes were red and swollen and he looked exhausted; a much different appearance than the day before, but still breath taking.

"Are you alright now?" Leeteuk asked the feminine male as said man picked up his glass of wine and downed half of it.

Mr. Kim only nodded in response before smiling softly in Siwon's direction. Siwon held his breath and diverted his eyes to the table. He was too close to him and he felt like he were about to faint. Heechul had told him to take a chance and flirt shamelessly with his crush. This was something Siwon neither knew how to do nor was brave enough to try. Sure, he'd flirted a bit with Heechul over the phone, but that was different. Heechul wasn't sitting right in front of him and there was not danger in it progressing to anything real.

"This is Mr. Choi," Leeteuk introduced, "He'll be managing you from now on. Don't worry about not getting bookings. Siwon-ah is one of our best agents."

Something that Leeteuk said caused number ten's eyes to widen and his posture to stiffen. Siwon smiled politely and extended his hand over the table, which the model slowly took.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Choi Siwon. I hope we can work well together." Siwon greeted, trying to sound as professional as possible. "You can call me by my first name. I want us to be friends. Mr. Choi is too formal."

Number ten only shook his hand and nodded. Siwon wasn't sure why the model looked so nervous, but his frightened features were almost rivaling his own.

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