Don't Walk Away

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    Siwon stood nervously next to his car waiting for Heechul to come downstairs. This night was important to him on so many levels. First, he needed to make himself believe that being with Heechul was the right path and not a sin. God had sent him a sign and that sign was Heechul. Second, he wanted to learn more about the man he'd fallen for. It wasn't just lust between them. There were more complex feelings involved and Siwon wanted to know everything about Heechul.

"Where are my roses?" Heechul's teasing voice interrupted Siwon's thoughts.

Looking up from where he'd been staring at the asphalt, Siwon's breath caught in his throat as he laid his eyes on his date for the night. Heechul stood a few feet away on the sidewalk dressed in a pair of tight red pants and a black sweater that hugged his thin frame. His dark hair was swept up and pinned with a clip, revealing the expanse of his face. He'd lined his eyes in black and there was gloss on his lips. Heechul smiled knowingly at Siwon before turning around and revealing the open back of his sweater. His pale skin was visible from the shoulder blades to the waistband of his pants.

"You look amazing," Siwon complemented as Heechul turned back around.

"Of course I do," Heechul winked, "You don't look too bad yourself, Shisus."

"Get in. We're already late." Siwon instructed, nervously glancing down at his black slacks and white dress shirt.

"Late for what?"

"Dinner," Siwon answered as he opened the passenger side door for Heechul like any good date should.

"I've never dated a gentleman before," Heechul teased, kissing Siwon on the cheek as he got into the car to find a single red rose laying in his seat. "You did get me flowers!"

"Flower," Siwon corrected as he slid into the driver's seat. "But, that's not the real gift. Look closer."

Inspecting the rose closer, Heechul found a silver chain clasped around the stem. Attached to the chain was a silver cross pendant with rubies embellishing it. On the back of the pendant was an inscription that read: "My Saviour, My Love"

"What's this?" Heechul whispered, honestly surprised by the gift.

"I was walking to the flower shop to get your roses and I saw this in the window of the jewelry store." Siwon began to explain as he took the rose from Heechul and unclasped the necklace from it. "It reminded me of you. I know you're not religious, but that's not what the pendant represents."

"What does it represent?" Heechul asked, leaning over and allowing Siwon to clasp the necklace around his neck.

"How you saved me," Siwon answered, with a nervous smile. "I felt like I was lost in the dark before I met you. I was drowning in what I thought was right and I couldn't see the way out. The inscription is what you are to me, Heechul-ah."

"Are you telling me that you love me?" Heechul questioned.

"I guess I am,"

"You're so sweet," Heechul began as he scooted as close to Siwon as the car would allow and captured his lips in a deep kiss. "I care about you too, Siwon-ah. I've never liked anyone as much as I like you."

"We have reservations at a Italian place I like. You like Italian food, right?" Siwon broke the intimate moment as he started the car.

"You're uncomfortable, aren't you?" Heechul chuckled as they pulled away from the curb.

"Just a little bit,"

The restaurant Siwon chose was expensive and dimly lit. The menu prices made Heechul's head spin, but even if dinner cost two hundred thousand won it still wouldn't compare to the money he'd spent on the second half of the date. Though, the jewel incrusted cross around his neck probably cost a good chunk of money. Receiving jewelry was always a good way to start a date, but to Heechul, the end of the night was more important than the beginning.

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