The Power of Prayer

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     "How could you tell Shisus I was in love with him? Are you insane?!" Heechul shouted across the table at his former roommate, drawing several stares from the other patrons in the coffee shop they were currently occupying.

"It's nice to see you too, Rella." HanGeng chuckled, "I bought you an Iced coffee. I hope that's ok?"

"I didn't agree to meet you here for the coffee," Heechul scowled at the beverage sitting in front of him.

"Why did you agree to meet me?"

"I'm mad at you."

"I already said I was sorry for leaving you. I know it was wrong to just take off like that, but I couldn't stay another minute and listen to you fawn over a man you never even met."

"Yeah..., yeah..., I'm over that." Heechul dismissed, "It worked out better for me anyway. What I'm angry about is what you told Shisus."

"What did I tell him?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Hannie. You told Shisus I was in love with him. Are you out of your mind? You know that I don't fall in love. All that does is lead to pain. You know that better than anyone, no offense."

"I told him that because it's true and you know it." HanGeng challenged. "You can't just say you're not going to fall in love. It's not something you can control, Rella."

"Yes it is," Heechul argued, "I've never been in love and I never will be. End of discussion."

"If you've never been in love, how do you know that you're not right now?" How do you know you'll get hurt?"

"I just do,"

"I love you, Rella. That is something I've known for a while and yes, I did get hurt in the end, but I do not regret a second of the time I spent with you. Being in love is a feeling that you will never want to let go of, especially if the person you love, loves you as well."

"Shisus doesn't love me," Heechul shook his head, "I'm just s temptation to him."

"How do you know how he feels? Has he told you?"

"No, I just know."

"Let me ask you something, ok?"

"Go ahead, but it won't help."

"How does he look at you when you're alone together?"

"I don't understand,"

"Has he kissed you yet?"

"Yes," Heechul admitted, not ashamed of that bit of information.

"When he kissed you, what did it feel like?"

"Like I was the most precious person in the world. I felt like I was safe and shouldn't be afraid anymore." Heechul answered, a bit shocked by the words. "No one's ever kissed me like that before."

"You're in love, Rella."

"I am not."

"Ok, here's another question. Would you sacrifice yourself for him?" HanGeng asked, "There was a point in time that I would have jumped in front of a bus for you. Not so much now, but I was at that point once."

"Well...," Heechul stammered, thinking about how he'd sacrificed his body to save Siwon's career. Was that done for love? No, it was because he'd feel guilty if Siwon was fired because of him, right? "I don't know if I'd jump in front of a bus, but I did have sex with a photographer to save his job."

"Rella!" HanGeng squeaked, almost choking on his cafe mocha. "You did what?"

"There was this photographer who was threatening to sue the agency and I slept with him to make him back off. It was a really hard thing for me to do. You know how picky I am when it comes to sex partners. I don't sleep with every man who calls me pretty. I may kiss a few frogs, but I'd never let them into my bedroom."

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