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Dear Lord, give me strength to resist temptation.

"This is impossible," Siwon grumbled from behind his desk as he and Kibum sorted through the model files for the perfect candidates. "None of these are going to work. They're all too generic."

"What about that file you wanted me to pull a few weeks ago? You sounded really excited about it?" Kibum asked, flipping open a folder and quickly shutting it when he didn't like what he saw.

"No, that one's not going to work.

"Why not?"

"He was too exotic. It may be too much on the extreme end." Siwon reasoned, trying to avoid his assistant's question.

"Well, I sent copies of all the files to Leeteuk hyung, just for a second opinion, and he thinks number ten is perfect for the company." Kibum informed, "I already set up an interview for tomorrow afternoon. He wasn't available in the morning because of he works night shifts and that's when he sleeps. Hopefully, we can book enough ads for him, that he won't have to work third shift any longer."

"You set up an interview without my permission?" Siwon gaped, his heart racing at the prospect of his model crush sitting in his office.

"I had Leeteuk hyung's permission. He's the casting supervisor." Kibum reasoned, "Plus, the interview isn't with you, it's with Leeteuk Hyung. He said if you're reluctant to consider number ten, then he'll do it himself."

"Interviews are my responsibility. Is he trying to get me fired?"

"No, you know Leeteuk hyung better than that. He's just trying to help. His job is at stake as well if we don't find a new star to polish." Kibum answered, "Look, choose a few of the leftover profiles and I'll set up the appointments. Number Ten my be a complete weirdo. His portfolio is too good, it makes me suspicious on why another agency hasn't picked him up already."

"Fine, Leeteuk hyung can do whatever he wants, I guess." Siwon mumbled, still upset that his sinful crush was going to be in the office tomorrow. Maybe he should take his lunch break during the interview slot and avoid the gorgeous male? Though, if Leeteuk decides to cast him, then he'll be in and out of the office a lot and almost unavoidable.

"Keep in mind, if hyung casts a new model, you're responsible for bookings." Kibum reminded, "He'll be your client. I've heard rumors the president's looking to promote you to model management. It may be good thing for Leeteuk hyung to cast number ten. He's sure to sell a lot."

"I think I may throw up," Siwon panted, suddenly very overwhelmed.

"Are you sick?"

"Yes," Siwon answered, standing up from his desk. "Call in file number 17 and 28. I'll interview them. But, for today I'm going home."

"Do you need me to make you a doctor's appointment?"

"No, I think I just ate something bad at lunch. I need to lie down. I'll be fine in the morning."

"Ok, Hyung." Kibum agreed, "I hope you feel better soon."

Instead of going home like he had told his assistant, Siwon ended up sitting in his favorite church pew and staring at the stained glass windows as he prayed for strength. It had been weeks since he'd been to church and after what had happened between him and Heechul the night before, Siwon felt almost uncomfortable to be sitting in the house of the Lord.

"Dear Lord, give me strength to resist temptation. Give me strength to turn a blind eye to the temptations of the flesh. Help me, Lord, for I have strayed from your path and am being punished for it." Siwon prayed, "Forgive me, for I have sinned."

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