Just a Voice

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Romans 1:27: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

"Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned," Siwon prayed as he sat in church the next morning, staring at the stained glass windows and wondering what his life meant anymore. "I conversed with the devil and he has tempted my soul."

"Is that what you did last night?" Leeteuk chuckled, sliding into the pew next to Siwon and causing his concentration to break. "Conversing with the devil can't be healthy."

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" Siwon whispered, surprised to see his coworker sitting next to him in church on a Tuesday morning.

"You're late for work. I came to find you." Leeteuk explained. "If you keep showing up late, you're going to be fired."

"What time is it?" Siwon asked, unaware of how long he'd been sitting trying to pray Heechul's voice from his mind.

"It's after 10am," Leeteuk informed, "You're two hours late."

"Let's go to the office. I'm finished here." Siwon shook his head as he stood and stepped out into the aisle.

"Is something bothering you, Siwon-ssi?" Leeteuk questioned his friend, following after him. "I know you're really into your faith, but attending church every day of the week is strange, unless you're a member of the clergy. You're not thinking of becoming a priest, are you?"

"No, I've just had a lot on my mind lately."

"Anything I can help with?"

"It's between me and God." Siwon informed as they neared the front of the church.

"Sounds serious," Leeteuk stated with fake alarm. "You didn't murder anyone, did you?"

"Don't joke about such things inside a church," Siwon scolded his hyung, his thick eyebrows raising in mild shock. "Lets just forget about this and go to work."

What was left of the morning Siwon spent in his office going over files and making phone calls. He tried to busy himself with work in order to drown out the sultry voice in his head. Only one phone call and Siwon was already hooked on Heechul. The mysterious operator had been charming, blunt and frightening. His words, along with the timbre of his voice, shot right into Siwon's mind and permanently attached to his brain.

Siwon spent his lunch break at his desk, trying not to fall asleep. His late night conversation, combined with his early church visit, had left him exhausted. Lack of sleep eventually won over the tired Christian and before his lunch hour ended, Siwon was asleep with his head on his desk. Sleep brought even more woes to the devout man, for he dreamed of Heechul's voice whispering in his ear and hot breath on his neck. He saw glimpses of smooth skin and pale limbs, but his dreams lacked the face that went along with the alluring voice. Anyone who sounded like that, must be breath taking.

"Hyung, wake-up." Kibum roused his sleeping boss, causing said man to sit up with a start. "I have the files you wanted and you were snoring."

"Sorry," Siwon apologized, wiping his mouth with his sleeve and focusing on his assistant.

Kibum stood before him in a pair of black slacks and a blue dress shirt. The top three or four buttons were undone on the young man's shirt, exposing a long patch of smooth skin. Siwon's eyes zeroed in on his assistants exposed neck as he crossed his legs and discovered that his dream had left him with a hard reminder of his sins.

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