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Y/n's p.o.v.

I sat on the side lines, with a coke in my hand as I watched Amy dance around with mark, Wade dance around with molly, and bob dance around with Mandy. And don't forget Tyler just having such a time with chica.

I was nodding my head softly to the beat, but whipped my head over when I felt someone sit beside me.

"Hey, why aren't you like.. drinking n'stuff?" I hear Ethan ask me. I shrug my shoulders and look down at the coke I was holding.

"Heh, I'm actually only 19 so...... not really old enough to drink" I reply back. He placed his hands in his lap and leaned back.

"Oh... Neither am I" He says. I nod to him and he crossed over his legs.

"I turn 20 soon though" I pipe up. He looked up to me and smiled. "Actually, that's really cool, considering that I turn 21 in a couple weeks" (If your birthday doesn't work around this time line, just please go with it)

I scrtached behind my head and shifted around in my seat so I could be more turned to Ethan. I could tell he had done the same, and I knew we were going to get into a deep conversation.

He ran a hand through his hair, and smiled, looking down at his feet. "Maybe we should throw a party for the both of us" He said excitedly.

"Really? Like a double birthday party?" I ask. He nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno if you wanna do that or something, I've just done it with some of my friends before and I mean I barley know you cause' we just kinda met, but if you want to, I think that would be fun..." He began to ramble. I giggled, making him quiet down, and I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Okay Ethan, calm down because I think that your idea is great" I re-assure him. He lightly smiled and gave me a side hug.

"Okay... cool! We should totally start planning it!" He said excitedly. He pulled out his phone, now unlocking it and handing it towards me.

"Could I maybe have your number so we can talk more about this?" He asks. I smiled, and shake my head yes as I punch my numbers into his phone and hand it back. I looked up at everyone dancing around, then I saw Ethan stand up.

"Do you maybe wanna dance? You look kinda bored" he stated. I stood up with him, and we began dancing around in Mark's living room that Amy set up to look like a dance floor, and it was honestly pretty cool.

All of a sudden, Fergalicious began to play, and Ethan was abnormally excited about it. His eyes lit up, and he grabbed my hands, playfully swinging me around as he sung along, and I giggled with him.

The song soon came to a stop, and his excitment faded as the oh so good, but overplayed TØP song of stressed out began to sound.

Ethan sighed, and looked at me, then over to everyone else. "I'm not that much of a fan for this song" He said.

"Yeah... I think it's kinda overplayed" I reply back.

"Oh wait! I just got a new cool mario cart game, you wanna play it?!" He suddenly says, a little too loudly. (Yes, they aren't roommates anymore... but please don't go ham in the comments because I already know that)

"Uh....... I don't know how to play Mariocart" I shamefully reply back. Ethan's face went to shock, but then to a smile as he grabbed my hand and pulled my away from everyone and into a room. 

"Then, I'll show you! It's so much fun once you get the hang of it!" He says sweetly, pulling out 2 controllers and handing one to me.He sat down on his bed, so I sat down beside him, and he handed me a pair of head phones, and put headphones of his own on.

 "This way, we can hear what's going on in the game, and not downstairs" He said happily, pulling out mario cart and selecting what he said was "and easy mode" of the game. Once it started, he put his controller down, and turned to me.

"you're goign to press this button to go, this button to stop, this button to turn, and this button to use your bonuses" He stated, pointing and pressing each button. 

I nodded, trying to remeber, and process everything he had just said and I smiled to him. "Okay, I think I've got it" I say to him. He nodded, and picked up his controller, pressing play, and the countdown started.

Time to race.

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