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Ethan's p.o.v.

My I pulled Barney in by a leash, trying to keep him as silent as I can. Y/n just stood there with her hands over her eyes, as I glared at that Liam boy staring her up and down like she was a toy.

Yes, I know this is a party for me AND y/n, and she's allowed to have friends. But I just don't like this guy. I could maybe even come off as a bit jealous, but he seems like a dick.

"Okay y/n, open your eyes" I say, a large smile on my face as I was her oncover her eyes, look at me, then to the floor, seeing a piped up Barney.

She seemed at a loss for words. Her facial expressions were jumbled, she looks happy, sad, excited and nervous, at the same time.

"Ethan oh my god..." She stated.

"Happy birthday!" I squeal. She looked in shock, her mouth hanging open as she laced a hand over her mouth to cover it.

"Ethan I-I don't know what to say I-Just oh my god" She stated, running up to me and engulfing me in maybe the largest hug ever.

"Thank you" Was all she said before letting go of me, and dropping to the floor to get Barney. I crouched down beside her, and smiled at how happy she was. It looked like her smile had been photoshopped onto her face, it was so big. Her eyes had a glint of happiness, just a shimmer, and that's how you can always tell the true emotion of a person.

She just was genuinley happy and that made me happy.

"Oh, I uh...Almost forgot..." She mumbled. standing up and running over to grab a box off the counter.

"it's from, Amy, Mark and me" She stated, pushing the box towards me and smiling sweetly. As I unravveled it, there was pin inside a small little box. It had a crankgameplays' logo on it, and I couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god you guys, this is perfect" I say, joy overriding me. Y/n smiled, and ran back over to Barney, and Amy throwing an arm around me.

"LET'S PARTY!" She yells, and turns up some music.

Y/n was still caught up in the moment of her dog, and the music, amd her friends, but still managed to find the time to talk to me, and ask if she could put Barney in a kennel or a room for the party.

After we both put Barney into my room, I felt another strong hug around me. "Ethan I still can't thank you enough for Barney" She mumbled into my shirt. I hugged her back, admiting to myself that I loved this feeling of her embrace wrapped around me.

"Well, I mean... I-I just... you wanna go party?" I ask, brushing off the thing I was thinking of saying before. She smiled, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we walked back into the party.

Almost immediatley, y/n and I were bombarded with others that had joined the party. Liam sepcifically trying to brush himself on her.

I didn't like that.


I don't know.

But I don't like it.

Y/n seemed to be uncomfortably stuttery around Liam. It gave me a twisting churn in my stomach, but I stayed prominent with her, and kept my arm securley wrapped around y/n. I was then caught off guard when I was asked by Tyler to go grab the camera from Mark's room to film something re-garding the party.

Bad choice.

Y/n's p.o.v.

Tyler had asked Ethan to run and grab something, so Ethan had removed his warm embrace from around me, that I strangley loved, and ran ran off.

"Sooo y/n" I hear the familiar low voice of Liam say. I turned to him, and smiled lightly as he gave me an oddly lustful look.

I do admit, he was cute, and he was charming, but those old school feelings I had for him were over. I am over it.

"Yes Liam?" I reply, non-chalantly.

I felt his grip tighten around my wrist, as I am pulled into the living room where everyone was dancing. The room was set up just like how Amy had set it up before for the last party, but a few more decorations.

"L-Liam?" I ask once again, trying to get his attention from what he was trying to do. 

I then felt his force, pin me uo against a wall as he smirks at me. "So y/n, do you still have those feelings for me like you did before?" He suddenly asks.

I felt  V I O L A T E D.

I tried to push him off me, shaking my head no, and trying to squeak out a word, but I honestly don't know what was going on in the moment.

"No" I finally breathe out, trying to force him off me.

"Would you like to have those feelings again?" He mutters, pressing his face up agaisnt my neck.

I shake my head no once again, pressing my hands on his chest, and trying to, with all my might, get him off me. But the stance he was in seemed too strong.

It just was alot, and I was scared. I felt like a shocked deer in headlights, like I could do nothing. It was like there was a monster attacking me, and encaving my eyesight as I try to stay consious in the moment.

The force is suddenly pulled off me, but I still feel scared. Tears are beginning to stream down my pale cheeks as I try to hide the fact that I was having a weak anxiety attack.

Lord how stupid of me.

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