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Y/n's p.o.v.

Hot tears ran down my face as my vision was blurred, and I was being pulled somewhere. A door closed, and I wiped my eyes, looking around my sourroundings, realizing I was in a bathroom, and Ethan was concerningly looking at me.

"Y/n, why are you crying?" He finally asks. I sniffle and shrugged my shoulders, crossing my arms.

"L-Liam" I stutter glaring down at the ground and feeling a few more tears escape my eyes.

"What did he do?" Ethan questioned on, this time, grabbing my hand soothingly and rubbing it with his thumb.

"H-he tried to kiss me, and I-I didn't want to... a-and I started having an anxiety a-attack" I ramble. 

Ethan awed at me, then pulled me into a hug, rocking me back  and forth. "Are you okay now?" He asks. I nod my head slightly, even though it was stuffed into his chest. My arms were still wrapped around him, and we held the hug for a little bit longer.

Soon, a knock was heard on the door, and I jumped a little.Ethan giggled at me, then let go of me to open the door. Any stood in it, with a cake im her hands.

"Um... not gonna ask, but it's time for cake" She stated, shifting her glare from Me to Ethan.

Me and Ethan nodded, making our way out of the washroom. I looked around, noticing that Liam had left. Amy and Mark sat Ethan and I down at the table as all our friends began to sing happy birthday and lighting the cake. The cake was sat down infront of us, the words messily spelling out "Happy birthday y/n and Ethan!"

Once the happybirthday song had ended, me and Ethan leaned in close to eathother, blowing out the candle together. They all cheered and Ethan and I were laughing.


"Guys, I think it's time that I go home" I announce to everyone, which was basically Tyler, Mark, Amy amd Ethan, because everyone else had left.

"C'mon y/n! it's litterally 2am, it's too late for you to go home!" Amy whined, tugging on your arm. You laughed slightly at her childish behaviour and shook your head.

"Some of you have my number, call me in the morning, plus, I need to bring Barney home" I mumble, turning to walk out the door, with Barney on a leash, waving goodbye to everyone and hopping into my car, and driving home.

Once I made it home, I made sure Barney was in his kennel bed, the I got into bed and relaxed a bit, throwing my face into a pillow and sighing.

I thought about how amazing my friends are.

How amazing Ethan was to bring me back Barney.

How amazing he was when he helped me when I was crying.

How amazing his face looks when he smiles.

How awkward he gets when someone turns attention to him without him knowing.

How great he is.

And how he'll never know about this tiny crush I have on him.

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