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Y/n's p.o.v.

~long story short, you and Ethan woke up the next morning, and Ethan went home because you were feeling better~


"Barney! You can't go! stop being silly!" I giggle, as I try to push Barney it of the door, so I could close it and leave.

Why am I leaving? You may ask.

Oh, Ethan invited me to join him, and his friends to a dinner, to celebrate his turning of the age of 21.

This time, I had actually boughten Ethan a gift, which I didn't think was much because, it was just a sweater, and a cute card with a steam gift card.

I don't know, I just think he'll like it.

I finally shoved Barney back into the house and closed the door, locking it, and running towards my car. I hopped into it, and sped down the road, all the way to the boston pizza that Ethan told me to go to.

When I had finally made it there, I say Ethan just getting out of his car with Amy, Mark, and Tyler.

Other people had ran out to greet Ethan, some people I've never seen before.

And oh god..... there are sure..... a lot. of people.

Yeah yeah.... I'm fine with lots of people that I know. But these people are complete strangers to me, and I'd rather not meet them.

I sighed, walking towards the large huddle of people, holding my birthday gift for Ethan, as I waited just outside lf the crowd to talk to him.

Our eyes met through the people he was meeting with, and his entire face lit up. He ran through the crowd to me, and gave a little smol bean hug to me. I handed him his gift, and the thanked me, giving me an even bigger hug.

"Okay everyone, this is y/n, and she's a great person" Ethan stated, gesturing to me. I wave to the small crowed and he giggled.

"y/n, these are a couple of my fans" He informs me. A raised an eyebrow at first, until I realized that he did some online thing, and had maybe 200 000 subs or something.

"IS THIS YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!" One girl from the crowd screams.

"Heh... no, no, sorry to get your hopes up" I butt in, my face flushing red.

"but look! She's blushing" the crowd screams, only making my face even more red.

Ethan looked over to me, and I smiled nervously, also noticing that his face was a bright red. "Okay, Okay guys. We're going to go for dinner now, I may see you guys later!" Ethan states before grabbing my arm, and yanking me along into the boston pizza.

We sat down at a table where a couple un-familiar faces met my eyes.

"Y/n, this is Felix, Marzia, Sean, and Singe" Ethan states happily. I noticed that everyone here were practically dating, except for me and Ethan.

Will this make things awkward?

I also noticed that Tyler wasn't here either, he was just probably late, or with someone else. Typical Tyler.

I sat down beside Ethan, and began to engage into a conversation with Singe, Marzia, and Amy.

"So, I heard you and Ethan are Really close" Singe said, emphasizing the 'really' part of her sentence.

"Oh yeah, they so are! He even went over to her house when she was sick, and everything" Amy added on.

I felt my face flush a little red, from what they were all saying. It sounded like they knew something and just were not telling me.

"Well Amy, you were gonna come too, but you had to do something with Mark, didn't you?" I ask Amy. She just brushed it off and nudged me, closer to Ethan.

"It sounds alot like you two fancy eachother" Marzia stated, a wide smirk on her face.

By now, my face was a complete beet red, and hotter than lava. What only made it better was when Ethan turned to me, with the same exact expression on his face. Red, and flustered.

"Awe look! They're both blushing!" Felix suddenly squealed. I looked around to everyone at the table whom were either staring at me or Ethan.

These people are defintely up to something.

Eventually, the waiter came, taking our order. The man was tall, he had blonde curly hair and green eyes. freckles peppered his face, and his smile was graceful.

"And could I take the order for this beautiful lady over here?" The waiter asked, staring right at me, and smiling.

"I-I um... j-just the spaghetti please" I stammer. He smiled, and write down the words on his paper.

"coming right up darling"

It was weird, and cute that the waiter just called me beautiful, and darling in one sentence. But little did I know, that the night would turn out to have a jealous little Ethan, and an even more angrier waiter.


Happy phandom day! {I'm back bitches!}

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