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Ethan's p.o.v.

I stared at y/n with shock as she stared back at me unhappily. Her face had a huge frown on it as her entire leg sat in a cast, and her cuts and stitched pepperd all over her body.

"The worst she's got us a cracked rib, not fully broken, and a broken leg, 3 places, gonna take a while to heal" the doctor said. Y/n sighed, flinching in pain as she sat lower into her hospital bed.

"So, she's not gonna die?" I ask. A small smile broke into y/n's face as she shook her head. 

"No Ethan, unfortunately" she said sarcastically.

"How long till she's out?" Amy asks the doctor.

"Well, she's got quite a few sustainable injury's that's gonna be hard if she's going home now, couple days- to a week maybe, she'll be out then on crutches, depends how that rib of yours heals, miss y/n" the doctor said firmly.

Y/n and I sighed at the same time, nodding. Guess I'll have to wait to maybe ask her out...

~Time skip of four days~

Y/n's p.o.v.

I fumbled around on crutches, trying to find the food to feed Barney. I'd just gotten out of the hospital, and damn did I feel like hell. I was salty to all the nurses, because I handn't gotten any sleep until the last night where they gave me sleeping pills.

Now I'm just not in the mood for anything. My car is broken, my leg is broken and I just want to cry.

Barney jumped around in front of me, waiting for me to pour him out some food. Just before I was aout to pick up the bag of dog food, the doorbell rung, ad Barney began to run around, barking ferociously at the door. I stumbled over to it, opening it up, only to see my favourite boi.

A smile immediately fell onto my face once I saw him, and I tried to wave, slightly slipping off my crutch a bit.

"Woah y/n, you good there?" Ethan asked, reaching for me to make sure I wouldn't fall. I re-adjusted myself, and nodded.

"Yeah, fine, just a little clumsy" I laugh back. I crutched backwards a bit, gesturing for Ethan to come inside.

"What brings you to my humble abode?" I ask in a posh british accent.

Ethan laughed, and stuck his hands into his pockets. "Oh uhm... I was wondering if you just uh.... wanted to hang out today?" He asked, sticking his hands further into his pocket nervously.

"Oh, sure!" I say happily back. I glanced donw to a very eager, and hungry looking barney and back up to Ethan. "I just need to feed Barney first" I state. I crutched over to his food bowl, grabbing his food on a wobbly stance, almost falling over, and trying to pour it into his bowl.

"Need some help there?" Ethan asks me. I shake my head no. "It's fine, if I'm gonna be on crutches, I gotta learn how to live with them" I reply.

Ethan just nods, staring back at me, his arms crossed and a look of "I'm pretty sure you need help".... Everyone knows that look I'm sure.

The food was poured, now all I had to do was get some out side clothes on. I looked down at my shorts and my t-shirt, the cringe I felt of trying to dress myself with this big ass cast scared me, considering I had only done it once, and it maybe took me an hour to do so.

"Kay, I'm gonna go get dressed" I tell Ethan before hobbling myself upstairs, and into my bedroom. I was trying to find some clothes, and I grabbed a shirt, holding them in my hand tightly as I stretched over my bed to put it on. I took off my shorts, and my shirt, putting the shirt on, and realizing that I forgot to grab pants.

Only in my underwear, and in my shirt, I grabbed my crutches again, making it over to my dresser to grab some leggings. Once I had grabbed them, I turned around and tried to hobble back to my bed, but my crutch had caught on the dresser, and I tripped on it, falling to the ground, and the desser after me with a loud crash.

"Y/N ARE YOU OKAY UP THERE?" I heard Ethan scream from below. I groan in pain as my leg, and body throbs from the dresser.

Footsteps stomp upstairs, and my bedroom door is flung open. Ethan gasps, running over to me, and lifting the dresser off me.

"Ethan I'm not uh.... I'm not wearing pants" I whine just before Ethan looks down at me. His face flushes a bright red, and he looks away immediately.

"Uhm.. s-sorry.... are you ummm okay?" Ethan asks me, avoiding obvious eye contact.

"Yeah.. I'm fine...." I mumble. Ethan nodded, and was about to walk out of the door before I stopped him.

"C-could you maybe do me a strange favour?" I ask him.

"deprends......?" Ethan asks back.

"It's nothing sexual, I just uhm... need help putting on my pants..." I state, my face flashing a more brighter red than Ethan. 

"Uhhh sure.." He replied, spinning back on his heels. I handed him the pants that were in my hand, and grabbed the high of Ethan's arm to pull me up. I stood, holding onto Ethan tightly, as he rolled the end of my pants, helping me put them on.

I could tell he was trying not to look at any part of me, because he seemed to avoid any eye contact with my body, and was looking red  embarrassment.

Finally, the awkwardness was over, and I finally had my pants on. Ethan had helped me up and I thanked him, now trying to brush off the fact that he basically just fucking pulled my pants on for me... Jesus Christ.

"So I was thinking we could just go for a walk; or a crutch in the park" Ethan asked me. I shrugged, and smiled. 

"I don't see why not" I reply back. Ethan smiled, but looked some what nervous too. I hobbled downstairs, and Ethan and I were on our way towards the park.

What a lovely day!

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