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Ethan's p.o.v.

She grabbed my hand, she grabbed my hand, she held my hand, she fucking held my hand, she lid her head on my shoulder, I think I'm going to die oh my god.

"so Ethan, are you and y/n a thing and not tell us?"Mark asked as everyone walked into the door. I glanced around, noticing that y/n hadn't made to the house it yet, and I sigh.

"no, isn't that obvious?" I ask them. Mark just laughed a if I was joking.

"You can't be serious, you guys were totally acting all lovey dovey at the restaurant and you expect us to believe that you're not dating?" Mark asks in disbelief. I nod, looking down to the ground.

"I dunno, maybe I'll ask her out r' something" I mumble.

"OH REALLY?!" Amy squealed at me. I jumped back, and looked her with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah Amy calm down" I say.

We all made our way into the living room, waiting for y/n. I don't know why, but I just felt so anxious to talk to y/n.

Would I ask her out tonight? Tomorrow? In a week, or maybe a month? What if she gets a boyfriend by then? Jeez, I need to get my life together.

I put my hands into my pockets, standing around, I seemed to nervous to sit down now that I had the thought of asking y/n out running through my head.

"Where is y/n, she wasn't far behind us, was she?" Singe asks. We all shrug, because all I saw was y/n getting into her car.

"I'll call her" Amy piped up, pulling out her phone and dialing y/n's number.

The phone rung and rung, and no answer. Then Mark decided to call y/n, and once again, no answer. Finally, I decided to call y/n, and no answer.

"She's just maybe driving, that makes sense on why she isn't answering" Sean said. We all nodded in agreement, still waiting around for y/n.

Ten or so minutes later, y/n was still not here, and I began to get a little ore worried. Mark decided, we should just turn on some TV to pass the time, and thank god Mark did because he had left the news on, and the new showed the answers we were waiting for.

"BREAKING NEWS! A car crash on the highway beside a local boston pizza had just taken place. It is said that a man in a blue mercedes-benz pulled out in front of a woman who was driving through the intersection. The woman is said to have a grey ford focus and has h/c hair and is in critical condition."

I could feel my heart drop. Y/n drives that car, y/n had h/c hair, and y/n was by that boston pizza.

"You don't think it's.... it's y/n, is it?" Amy said in shock.

"That is y/n's car" I say back.

Without hesitation, Amy and I shot for the door, everyone else standing in silence and not moving. "Ethan get the keys, we're going to the hospital, everyone else stay here" Amy shouted. I grabbed the car keys, and her and I jumped into the carm driving off.

"Do you know where they might be taking her?" I ask.

"The hospital you dumbass" Amy smartly replied back.

"Obviously, but which one?" 

"The one closest to where the crash was, it's common sense" Amy stated.


Finally Amy and I arrived at the hospital. We ran into the ER immediatley and up to the front desk. "Where. is. y/n. l/n. staying?" Amy asks between breaths.

The lady at the front desk looked up to us, and then her eyes widened. "Oh my god, you're Amy and Ethan!" The lady said happily; But now was not the time for meeting famous people.

"Yeah, Yeah, now where is y/n?" Amy asks again.

"Y/n as in... the one in the car crash?" She asks.

"YES" I say in un-patientness. The lady typed around on the computer and sighed.

"Sorry guys, she's in the intensive care unit, which means you can't visit her until the doctor says so" The lady said.

"She's still alive... right?" Amy asks, that question just made my heart quivver.

"Of course, you guys shouldn't worry, she seems to be in good hands" The lady smiled. Amy and I sighed at the same time, looking around.

"Floor 3, to the left is the waiting room for the ICU, if you wanna tell the receptionist up there that you're waiting for y/n, she'll tell you when and where y/n is once the doc is finished with her, might take a while though" The lady said. Amy and I exchanged glances before nodding and thanking the girl, heading for the elevator.


Finally, just as I was about to loose my shit. The docotr walked out into the waiting room. "Visitors for y/n l/n?" He asked.

Both Amy and I stood up, following the man as he walked into a room, where y/n was sitting on the bed with tear stained eyes.

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