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Y/n's p.o.v.

"Does he even know you? That's creepy he's just calling you that" Ethan suddenly blurts once the waiter was out of sight.

"I thought it was a nice compliment" I say back.

Ethan glared off into the distance and sighed. "Whatever" He mumbled, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

"Ethan, are you jealous?" I hear Sean ask him. Ethan's face shot a bright red, him looking over at Sean and beginning to stammer.

"Wh-what? No! I-I... uh I just.... I uhm" 

Ethan could barley finish his sentence before he looked over to me. "The waiter just shouldn't assault you with comments like that" He mumbled.

Wait, I think Ethan actually is jealous. 

Could he like me?

"Sounds like you're pretty jealous" Amy mumbled.

"I'm not!" Ethan pouted. I patted his shoulder lightly and nervously laughed.

"Let's not get too out of hand, we'll be out of here soon enough and the waiter fiasco will be over" I re-assure everyone. They all sighed, Ethan the most relieved. I glanced off into teh distance to where I saw teh waiter staring at me from across the resurant with a smirk on his face, and a wink.

This is going to be a long night if is keeps up.

Once our food came, the waiter just couldn't stop throwing non-stop compliments at me. And be honest, I'm not all that well with those things, because they make me feel more awkward than better about myself. 

As I began to grow more, and more uncomfortable, I glanced over to Ethan, and he was glaring up at the waiter, furious.

In a fit of feeling social anxiety, and not knowing what to do, I grabbed Ethan's hand from under the table, and sqeezed to it calm him, and myself down. Ethan glanced down to our hands that were now interlaced, and I got a quick idea. I quickly held up our hands on the table, in clear sight for everyone to see, especially the waiter.

As the waiter looked down at me and Ethan's hands, his smile dropped and he just stood silent for a few second. "Uh, is that all? your food fine?" He asked saltily. We all nodded, but were shocked at the boy's sudden changed in mood.

The waiter walked away, and kept glaring at me from the corner of his eye. 

"Jesus, bipolar much." Singe said. We all laughed along, until everthing went silent.

"What's with you guys?" Marzia suddenly asked, glancing to my hand that was intertwined with Ethan's. I placed out hands back under the table, and shrugged.

"Hands are cold" I quickly excuse.

everyone nodded, but I could just barley see Ethan's smirk grown on his face as I continued to hold his hand tightly with mine.

Once we were all done our food, I had to let go of Ethan's hand to get out from my seat, and we had to leave. But then, I felt a strange habit come about as I walked back over to Ethan and grabbed his hand, leaning my head on his shoulder as we walke dout of the resturant.

"Does everyone wanna come back to our place and hang for a bit?" Mark asks.

Ethan looked down to me, and I shrugged. "I don't see why I wouldn't come" I say. 

"Cool, are you taking your car?" Ethan asks.

"Yep, see you there!" I say happily, letting go of Ethan's hand and making it towards my car.

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