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Amy's p.o.v.

After Mark and I had finished the small set up, and video, with the game grumps, we both decided to check up on y/n and Ethan.

It was pretty late, maybe around 10pm, but I know y/n and Ethan, and they never sleep before 12am.

I blaintantly walked into y/n's house with mark following after me. I stepped into her living room and paused when I saw on the couch, y/n and Ethan cuddled up together, and sleeping while a movie was playing on the tv.

I awed silently, and stopped Mark, so he could admire the cute position too. I decided, we should leave them for now, and let them wake up on their own, maybe they wouldn't mind it?

I left y/n's house quietly, and went home with Mark, us going off to bed as well.

Y/n's p.o.v.

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of my front door closing.

I wriggled out of a sleepign Ethan's grasp and looked out my window, seeing Amy and Mark getting in their car and pulling out of my drive way. I shook my head and smiled at them, looking back over to Ethan who had falled down sweetly in the spot that I had just left.

I decided, I should just leave a text on his phone so when he woke up, he wouldn't be confused. 

Our phones sat beside eachother on the counter, so I grabbed mine, shooting him a quick text for him to wake up too, just saying that he fell asleep and I went up to my room.

When I noticed that my message had sent onto Ethan's phone, I saw my name saying 'y/n ❤️'

Good thing Ethan was asleep, because my face grew beet red.

There really is a heart beside my name. And I think that's adorable.

But that doesn't mean he likes me... right?

I've put hearts beside friends names before, but they were all close friends.

I'm over thinking this, it's stupid.

I should just t go to sleep.

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