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~1 week later~

y/n's p.o.v.

It's been 2 days since I just walked out of the vet's office.

I left Ethan there with Barney. And I don't know what they did to him.

Did they put him down? Put him in a foster home? Or are they keeping him there until I gain the courage to come back?

I really don't know.

That's why I left in the first place, it's because I don't know.

My mind is constantly racing. Should I pay to get Barney the help he needs? It's way over anything I could even afford, because my low life job doesn't pay shit.

On top of that, I haven't even called into work. I haven't called in sick, or said it was a family emergency. I just... stopped going.

I keep thinking to myself 'Barney deserves the help' but I just can't pay for it, and especially not right now.


I lay in my bed, maybe I should take a shower.

Maybe I should just continue to lay in bed and sulk about my problems.

I rolled over in my bed, and stuffed my face into my pillow, groaning and trying to brush off the anxiety of my problems.

Then, my phone began to ring. I whined internally at the noise, but the specific ring tone made me know who was calling. It was Amy. I floeed my hand over my phone that was siting on my bedside table, and I answered the call.

"What do you want" I mumble, almost too incoherent to hear.

"y/n! Finally, You're alive" Amy sighed.

"Okay, and?" I sassily say back.

"Well, We're having a birthday party for Ethan and you, do you remember that conversation?" Amy asks.

I just faintly remember the convo that I had with Ethan, back at Amy's party when him and I were talking about having the same birthday party, because it would be fun. But I'm not so sure if I want to actually party right now.

"yeah, I remember" I say.

"Well, the party is tonight" Amy states.

"My birthday isn't until another week, Amy." I groan.

"Okay, early birthday, and you're coming" Amy snaps. I roll my eyes over the phone and roll over. "I dunno, I just.... I dunno" I say.

"Look, I know you're dying over Barney, but just come please. I promise you will not regret it" She states. I sighed and sunk down deeper into my bed and felt like crying, just to get Amy off my ass.

"Amy. I-I just.... I don't know" I say.

"C'mon y/n!! I already got a present for you to give to Ethan, and he has a gift for you, you HAVE to come today" She repeats.

"Amy I-"

"I'm picking you up in an hour, you better be ready"

The phone hung up abruptly and I then threw it across my room with a sigh. I had a shower last night, and I'm in my pyjamas, nobody is taking me out tonight because I don't want to go.

I rolled back over in my bed, closing my eyes and drifting back to sleep.



I hear the oh so familiar voice of Amy scream.

I jump out of my bed, falling onto the floor with a thud, and a groan. "Amyyyyy" I whine, holding my back in pain as a result of what she did.

"I told you to be ready in an hour, and you're still asleep" Amy tuts, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

"I told you already, I don't want to go" I firmly state.

Amy groaned, throwing her head back annoyment, and stomping over to me. She  grabbed my arm, and hoisted me onto my feet. She threw a pair of jeans and a shirt at me, pushing me into the bathroom, and telling me to put them on. Once I did, she came in, forcefully applied mascara on my face  and pulled me downtairs.

"Look y/n, you need to get over this. you're going to have some fun tonight" Amy growled, yanking me into her car. I decided to bukle myself in, accepting the fact that I was going to have to be social today.

Amy got into the driver's side, and threw a wraoped box at me. "This is from you Mark and me, and you're going to give the gift to him, okay?" Amy says, starting the car.

I noticed that I forgot my phone at home, ans I had nothing to call an uber with to get out of this situation. Great.

After the immensely long 5 minute car ride of Amy peptalking me to this stupid party, we finally pulled up to her house and walked up to the door.

I had major R.B.F., and my noticable bad mood didn't help the fact that I was spewing a salty emotion at everyone. As Amy pulled me into the house, I was met with a bunch of Amy and I's old high school friends. That's how you met.

Mark, Tyler, Ethan, Bob, Wade, Molly and Mandy were all there too, and they waved to me. Many of my old friends who I had lost touch with, had come and said hello. I think a few of them actually had children.

But of course, along came an old school crush of mine. Liam.

His gorgeous blue eyes stunned me, his blonde fuckboyish style hair was silky, and his smile was just pure.

Liam walked up to me, giving me a large hug, my face curving into a smile, hugging back.

"Wiw y/n, it's been forever!" He said happily. His voice seemed to have been more mature and his hugs were stronger.

"It-it has" I say, stunned at the fact he was here. He kept his grip around my shoulder as we walked into the kitchen and I gave a kind of 'What the fuck' but 'thank you' look to Amy. She turned to Ethan, and whispered something in his ear, him turning around and glaring at me, then to Liam.

"Why don't we do gifts for you two?" Amy pipes up. Ethan nodded, and ran off, before I could even give him the box that Any tild me to give to him.

"Y/N COVER YOUR EYES" Ethan yelled from the back room. I unravveled myself from the grio of Liam and covered my eyes.

I hear the clicks of paws and nails on the hard wood floor, and thought it was Chica. But that was until Ethan told me to open my eyes.

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