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^I wrote the chapter, and while I was editing and listening to music, this song came on nd thought that this would work for the chapter. XD

~Time skip of 1 week~

Y/n's p.o.v.

After that kiss, after I said yes to Ethan, nothing has stopped.

It's like I'm on the fast road to depression, I don't know what to think. All his fans know that we're a thing, and all his fans hate it. Maybe I hate it too. The worst part is, they all found my social media, and some even hacked into them to find my phone number. I had to get rid of anything that connects me to social media.

Though, I've still hung out with Amy in the past week, I've been avoiding Ethan, and I feel horrible.

I've turned off my phone, and I'm sure that he's left me multiple messages, which sucks because I know they're already drowned out with the hateful texts that his fans send me. 

The crutches are hard to handle, Barney is hard to handle, my life in general is hard to handle. I'm glad that my job is a work-at-home thing, because I've barley left my house in the past week. And maybe that's a good thing.

As I stood (to the best of my abilities on a pair of crutches) in my kicthen, trying to make myself a bagel, I couldn't hell but hear a few car doors close infront of my house. I glanced out the window in my kitchen, but saw nothing, so ai brushed it off, until I heard my doorbell ring. I sighed, leaving my bagel to rest in it's still un-cooked state, and went to open my door.

When I opened the door, I saw Amy, Mark, and Tyler standing in the doorway, and I immediatley knew something was up. Barney was barking at them, and I tried to hush him, almost falling off my crutches in the process.

"Hey y/n, how are you?" Amy asks. I give her a strange glare, and shrug.

"Uh.. I don't know...?" I reply back. "Why are you asking?" I add on.

"Well, you're not really responding to any of our texts, and you haven't left your house in a week" Amy stated.

"And....?" I saltily say.

Amy rolled her eyes, and looked up to Mark. "We all wanted to take you out tonight" Mark stated.

"No thanks" I say, beginning to close the door before Amy stopped it.

"You don't really have a choice, You look ready to go out now, so let's go" Amy said, referring to the fact that I just blowdried my hair, and was wearing a sweater and jeans. I glanced down to myself, and back up to Amy.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Well, Ethan hasn't quite left the house either, and he wants to see you, so we're going to our place, then we're going over to dinner" Tyler added in. I glanced to Tyler, whom had sympathy, and plead in his eyes.

I mean... it wouldn't hurt to see him, and hug him, and kiss him. He is my boyfriend after all. I just don't know what to think about the internet side of things...

"Fine, I will.." I sigh. Amy, Mark and Tyler grinned at me, and I looked down to my shoes.

"Who's helping me put on my shoes?" I then ask, a small grin on my face. Amy was quick to help, and soon, I was out the door, getting into Mark's car, and making my way to their house.


"Okay, he's in his room, go say hi or something" Any said to me, as she bent down to pet Chica. I sighed, and nodded to her, clicking away down the hall, and to Ethan's room. As I made my way to his door, I knocked quietly, and heard Ethan yell from the other end.

"AMY, MARK OR TYLER IF THAT IS YOU, I AM RECORDING, AND IM NOT LEAVING THE HOUSE SO LEAVE ME ALONE" He screamed. I could just tell he sounded sad, but it was sweet. I opened the door without question, and crutches my way right in.

"Hey Ethan" I say quietly, trying to act like nothing had happened between his fans and I. 

I heard silence for a few seconds, until Ethan looked over at me, and almost jumped out of his gaming chair. "y/n!!" He said happily.

Geez, I didn't think that I'd meant that much to him, but he's just so bouncy and happy to see me, and it's so amazing.

"Ethan!!" I reply, mocking him. I let go of ones my crutches to hug Ethan, and boy was it a hug, and comforting hug.

"Long time no see, how you been?" He asks me, breaking the hug and bending to grasp my crutch for me.

"Oh... You know, I just had to kinda throw away all my social media and phone n' stuff" I reply non-chalantly.

"Oh... Yeah.. That" Ethan said, now biting his lip in guilt. "Sorry" he mumbled, looking down to the floor like a child that was in trouble. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No, Ethan it's fine, really. I'm fine, they can't really hurt me" I re-assure him.

"I guess you're right" he stated back. He looked up to me, and I smiled to him, Ethan leaned in close to me, and smiled back.

"Now give me a kiss, I've missed you" he said. I rolled my eyes playfully at him, and went in for a long, passionate kiss, only to be broken by hearing Mark aweing in the doorway.

"Ma coot li'l babies" he said in a "motherly" voice. Ethan snickered, and gestured me to walk out of his room so I followed after him once he walked out. We walked into the living room, where Amy and Tyler were standing, waiting for us.

"Now" Amy began. "We need to talk about the 'Internet fiasco' before we go anywhere" she stated. I could hear Ethan sigh, and I sighed too.

"Well, I'm not seeing anything they're saying anymore, I've killed my phone off" I say. Amy shook her head and laughed.

"You can't live without a phone forever, y/n" Amy said. I did agree with her, but it was either have a phone, and revive hate for being with Ethan, or not have one, and be fine.

"We're going to resolve this in a video, but we're going to talk about it over dinner, ya' hear?" Mark asked everyone. "Tyler, I want you to film us talking about the problem in general, but we're going to have to make someone for the fans" Mark added on.

"Fine, whatever" I mumble under my breath. I felt Ethan's hand brush over mine that was grilled onto my crutch, so I flipped my hand around to embrace his.

"Shall we head out?"

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